2014-09-12 69 views


import java.util.Scanner; 
public class pancakes { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     int diameterOld = 0;             // used to save diameter of original pancakes 
     int quantityOld = 0;             // used to save quantity of original pancakes 
     int diameterNew = 0;             // used to save diameter of new pancakes 
     double quantityNew = 0;             // used to save quantity of new pancakes 
     double areaNew = 0;              // used to store area of new pancakes 
     double areaOld = 0;              // used to store area of original pancakes 
     double totalSurfaceArea = 0;           // total amount of batter used 

     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);         // allows keyboard input 

     System.out.println ("Mohammad's java Pancakes");       
     System.out.print ("Diameter of original pancakes (inches): ");   // Prints statement asking for diameter of original pancakes 
     diameterOld = input.nextInt();           // saves input into diameterOld 
     System.out.print ("Quantity of original pancakes: ");     // Prints statement asking for quantity of original pancakes 
     quantityOld = input.nextInt();           // saves input into quantityOld 
     System.out.print ("Diameter of new pancakes (inches): ");    // Prints statement asking for diameter of new pancakes 
     diameterNew = input.nextInt();           // saves input into diameterNew 

     areaOld = ((diameterOld/2)*(diameterOld/2)*Math.PI);     // calculates area of original pancakes 
     totalSurfaceArea = (areaOld * quantityOld);        // calculates total amount of batter needed 
     areaNew = ((diameterNew/2)*(diameterNew/2)*Math.PI);     // calculates area of new pancakes 
     quantityNew = (totalSurfaceArea/areaNew);        // calculates quantity of new pancakes 

     System.out.println ("Quantity of new pancakes: " + quantityNew);  // Prints statement stating quantity of new pancakes and amount of new pancakes 

     input.close();               // Closes scanner input 


困惑......不會老5直徑,10歲數量,5個新的直徑= 0新的煎餅? – 2014-09-12 19:49:20


我只得到1.59999999,如果我輸入5,10,10。 – rgettman 2014-09-12 19:50:52






謝謝男人,我覺得很愚蠢的想念這麼簡單的哈哈。非常感謝 – Horrerblade 2014-09-12 20:00:32


不客氣。不要忘記通過選擇一個答案來關閉問題 – 2014-09-12 20:04:15


您與4次diameterOld(兩次)和diameterNew執行整數除法(兩次), Java導致另一個整數。即使數學結果爲2.5,Java也會將其截斷爲2int)。





areaOld = diameterOld * diameterOld; 

areaNew = diameterNew * diameterNew; 



Mohammad's java Pancakes 
Diameter of original pancakes (inches): 5 
Quantity of original pancakes: 10 
Diameter of new pancakes (inches): 10 
Quantity of new pancakes: 2.5 

感謝您的詳細解釋,非常感謝。我在想,pi和(/ 2)的會取消,但我反正把它編碼了。 – Horrerblade 2014-09-12 20:24:47



areaOld = (((double)(diameterOld/2))*((double)(diameterOld/2))*Math.PI); 
areaNew = (((double)(diameterNew/2))*((double)(diameterNew/2))*Math.PI); 

我不這麼認爲。你必須在分割之前進行類型轉換。 – 2014-09-12 19:54:09


@TylerGaona問題是他在做一個int int將會隱式返回n int ...所以我們需要將它轉換爲double。 – StackFlowed 2014-09-12 20:01:06


在事實之後鑄造成雙層將不會給出預期的結果。它需要在師之前完成 – 2014-09-12 20:03:13