2017-08-15 24 views


var description = "Hello world 

This is the first test {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} 

and some words  

This is the second test {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}"; 


var HyperValues = ["f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link" 
        ,"587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link"]; 

    $.each(HyperValues, function (key, value) { 

        var hyperLinkId = value.split(",")[0]; 
        var hyperLinkText = value.split(",")[1]; 

    description.replace(/\{.+?\}/g, '<a id= ' + hyperLinkId + ' ' + 'class="infoBoxPopup" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#moreInfoModal" href="#"> ' + hyperLinkText + '</a>'); 


以上代碼效果很好,但問題是用陣列中的最新 項替換字符串我知道我需要另一種方法來替換字符串


output of the above code



Im不專家的輸出,但我可以查明的邏輯錯誤。 $ .each以正確的方式遍歷數組,但是/{.+?}/g將用字符串中的所有匹配實例替換最新值。理想情況下,你需要在陣列上得到相應的匹配出現,你循環,像/{.+?}/g[key]


var description = `Hello world 

This is the first test {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} 

and some words 

This is the second test {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}`; 
var HyperValues = ["f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link" 
        ,"587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link"]; 

$.each(HyperValues, function (key, value) { 

    var hyperLinkId = value.split(",")[0]; 
    var hyperLinkText = value.split(",")[1]; 
    //generate regular expression dynamically 
    //and test string ends with hyperLinkText + '}' 
    var Reg = new RegExp('\\{.+?\\' + $.trim(hyperLinkText) + '}','g'); 
    description = description.replace(Reg, '<a id= ' + hyperLinkId + ' ' + 'class="infoBoxPopup" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#moreInfoModal" href="#"> ' + hyperLinkText + '</a>'); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 


var description1 = `Hello world 

This is the first test {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} 

and some words 

This is the second test {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}`; 

var HyperValues = ["f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link" 
        ,"587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link"]; 
$.each(HyperValues, function (key, value) { 

    var hyperLinkId = value.split(",")[0]; 
    var hyperLinkText = value.split(",")[1]; 
    // generate regular expression dynamically 
    // and test string ends with hyperLinkText + '}' 
    // this regular is the something like /\{.+?First Link\}/g or /\{.+?Second Link\}/g 
    // so for HyperValues[0] it will match '{f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link}' only 
    // for HyperValues[1] it will match '{587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}' only 
    var Reg = new RegExp('\\{.+?\\' + $.trim(hyperLinkText) + '}','g'); 
    description1 = description1.replace(Reg, '<a id= ' + hyperLinkId + ' ' + 'class="infoBoxPopup" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#moreInfoModal" href="#"> ' + hyperLinkText + '</a>'); 



var description2 = `Hello world 

This is the first test {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} 

and some words 

This is the second test {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}`; 

var HyperValues2 = ["f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975" 
        ,"587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c"];// remove Fist Link and Second Link 
$.each(HyperValues2, function (key, value) { 

    var hyperLinkId = value.split(",")[0]; 
    var hyperLinkText = value.split(",")[1];//because remove Fist Link and Second Link this will be undefined 
    // because hyperLinkText is undefined now, then $.trim(hyperLinkText) = "" is just a empty string 
    // so the reg below just work like the same as you wrote before /\{.+?\}/g 
    // and it can't work of course 
    // var Reg = new RegExp('\\{.+?\\' + $.trim(hyperLinkText) + '}','g'); 
    // now we can try to match the text by hyperLinkId 
    // when it's HyperValues2[0] this reg work like /\{f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975.+?\}/g 
    // and will match {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} 
    // when it's HyperValues2[1] this reg work like /\{587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c.+?\}/g 
    // and will match {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link} 
    var Reg = new RegExp('\\{' + $.trim(hyperLinkId) + '.+?\\}','g'); 
    description2 = description2.replace(Reg, '<a id= ' + hyperLinkId + ' ' + 'class="infoBoxPopup" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#moreInfoModal" href="#"> ' + hyperLinkText + '</a>'); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <div id="1"></div> 
    <div id="2"></div> 


非常感謝你的幫助:)你的代碼工作得很好,但我有一個非常小的問題 什麼,如果VAR HyperValues = [ 「f19e7a87-3ae9- 40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975「, 」587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c「 ]; 我試過後續註冊,但它沒有工作 var Reg = new RegExp('\\ {。+?\\'+ $ .trim(hyperLinkText)+'}','g'); 您能否告訴我這種情況下正確的Reg格式 – Alex


@Alex我編輯我的答案。我爲您推薦[regexper](https://regexper.com/),您可以在其中直觀地測試您的正則表達式。 – MinimalistYing



var desc = 'Hello world This is the first test {f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link} and some words This is the second test {587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link}'; 

var HyperValues = [ 
    "f19e7a87-3ae9-40d7-b81a-ad5eba8a2975, First Link", 
    "587d2209-fcf2-448d-b52d-7f0c93e59c8c, Second Link" 

desc.match(/\{.*?\}/g).forEach(function(match, i) { 
    var singleHyperValue = HyperValues[i].split(","); 
    desc = desc.replace(
    '<a id="' + singleHyperValue[0] + '" class="infoBoxPopup" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#moreInfoModal" href="#">' + singleHyperValue[1] + '</a>' 
