2017-05-03 31 views



如果您願意使用'ref's,即可變參考單元或數組,您可以:https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs312/2008sp/recitations/rec15.html –


相關問題:http://stackoverflow.com/q/2999072/4996248 –



你可以使用可變數組來做到這一點。這是使用int option數組陣列的極小的鄰接矩陣實現。頂點ij之間的邊緣由第i行中的值和第j列中的值給出。如果值爲None那麼沒有邊緣,如果值爲Some w比邊緣存在並且具有權重w

let is_some opt = 
    match opt with 
    | None -> false 
    | _ -> true;; 

let unwrap opt = 
    match opt with 
    | None -> raise (Failure "unwrapped None") 
    | Some x -> x;; 

let add_edge g u v w = 
    let us = Array.get g u in 
    Array.set us v (Some w);; 

let get_edge g u v = 
    let us = Array.get g u in 
    Array.get us v;; 

let make_graph vertices = 
    Array.make_matrix vertices vertices None;; 

let neighbors g u = 
    Array.get g u |> 
    Array.to_list |> 
    List.filter is_some |> 
    List.mapi (fun i o -> (i, unwrap o));; 

let g = make_graph 4;; 
add_edge g 0 1 2;; 
add_edge g 0 2 3;; 
add_edge g 0 3 5;; 
add_edge g 1 2 7;; 
add_edge g 1 3 11;; 
add_edge g 2 3 13;; 
add_edge g 3 0 17;; 
List.iter (fun (v, e) -> Printf.printf "0-(%i)->%i\n" e v) (neighbors g 0);; 
