請有人可以回答這個問題,我是新來這個,這是我的第一個應用程序。 我有點失落了。由於
還原按鈕意味着: 當用戶按下它,它在,它返回他購買什麼都和拿錢回來 OR 它只是意味着用戶可以重新恢復了已經購買的物品-download什麼,他已經購買,卻沒有付出兩次嗎?(如果他刪除並重新安裝應用程序)
////Restore button tapped
[[RageIAPHelper sharedInstance] restoreCompletedTransactions];
// Then this is called form the code Above
- (void)restoreCompletedTransactions {
NSLog(@"Restore Tapped in transaction process");
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
//Then This
- (void)paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue {
NSLog(@"Restored Transactions are once again in Queue for purchasing %@",[queue transactions]);
NSMutableArray *purchasedItemIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(@"received restored transactions: %i", queue.transactions.count);
for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in queue.transactions) {
NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;
[purchasedItemIDs addObject:productID];
NSLog (@"product id is %@" , productID);
what should i do here?
delete the item, as it is restored OR re-download it ?(depends on the question i asked above)***
謝謝你的幫助。它現在更清晰! – George