將您的字符串轉換爲整數列表,對這些列表進行操作,然後再將它們加入。這是一些工作,但它使實際的代碼更容易地去除重複項 - 它已經足夠複雜了 - 並且在需要經常操作類似字符串時也可能派上用場。
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Convert a string to a list of at most max integers. The
* return value is the number of integers in the list (which
* max be greater than max!) or -1 if the string is invalid.
int ilist_split(int *ilist, int max, const char *str)
const char *p = str;
int n = 0;
while (*p) {
int x;
int pos;
if (sscanf(p, "#%d %n", &x, &pos) < 1) return -1;
if (n < max) ilist[n] = x;
p += pos;
return n;
* Convert a list of integers back to a string. The string
* is at most nbuf - 1 characters long and is assured to be
* zero-terminated if nbuf isn't 0. It is legal to pass NULL
* as char buffer if nbuf is 0. Returns the number of characters
* that would have been written ha dthe buffer been long enough,
* snprintf-style.
int ilist_join(const int *ilist, int n, char *buf, int nbuf)
int len = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
len += snprintf(buf + len,
nbuf > len ? nbuf - len : 0, "#%d", ilist[i]);
return len;
* Auxliary function to find a pair in an inteher list.
int ilist_find_pair(int *ilist, int n, int a1, int a2)
int i;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (ilist[i - 1] == a1 && ilist[i] == a2) return i - 1;
return -1;
* Remove duplicate pairs from an integer list. The first
* pair is kept, subsequent pairs are deleted. Returns the
* new length of the array.
int ilist_remove_dup_pairs(int *ilist, int n)
int i, j;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
int a1 = ilist[i - 1];
int a2 = ilist[i];
if (ilist_find_pair(ilist, i - 1, a1, a2) < 0) {
ilist[j++] = ilist[i];
} else {
return j;
#define MAX 40
int main()
const char *str1 = "#100#123#100#678";
const char *str2 = "#100#678#100#56";
char res[80];
int ilist[MAX];
int nlist;
/* convert str1 */
nlist = ilist_split(ilist, MAX, str1);
if (nlist > MAX) nlist = MAX;
/* convert and concatenate str2 */
nlist += ilist_split(ilist + nlist, MAX - nlist, str2);
if (nlist > MAX) nlist = MAX;
/* remove duplicate pairs */
nlist = ilist_remove_dup_pairs(ilist, nlist);
/* convert back to string */
ilist_join(ilist, nlist, res, sizeof(res));
printf("%s\n", res);
return 0;
你嘗試過什麼嗎?請發佈你有什麼。 –
爲什麼#100#678被刪除,但額外的#100不是?這些字符串是否在#符號處分割? – user184994
你的意思是你想刪除第一個是第二個前綴的後綴,然後將它們連接起來? –