我有一段代碼使用python 2.7,我試圖轉換它,以便我可以在python 3.5中使用它,但是我在流動代碼中遇到錯誤由於地圖。解決這個問題的最好方法是什麼?python 3.5中的錯誤:無法將`map`結果加在一起
文件 「/Users/newbie/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/keras/caffe/caffe_utils.py」,線74,在parse_network 斑點= top_blobs + bottom_blobs
類型錯誤:爲+不受支持的操作數類型: '地圖' 和 '地圖'
def parse_network(layers, phase):
Construct a network from the layers by making all blobs and layers(operations) as nodes.
nb_layers = len(layers)
network = {}
for l in range(nb_layers):
included = False
# try to see if the layer is phase specific
if layers[l].include[0].phase == phase:
included = True
except IndexError:
included = True
if included:
layer_key = 'caffe_layer_' + str(l) # actual layers, special annotation to mark them
if layer_key not in network:
network[layer_key] = []
top_blobs = map(str, layers[l].top)
bottom_blobs = map(str, layers[l].bottom)
blobs = top_blobs + bottom_blobs
for blob in blobs:
if blob not in network:
network[blob] = []
for blob in bottom_blobs:
for blob in top_blobs:
network = acyclic(network) # Convert it to be truly acyclic
network = merge_layer_blob(network) # eliminate 'blobs', just have layers
return network
您可能還想考慮將這段代碼放到[代碼評論](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/)(一旦修復),因爲這三個for-loops在彼此之上可以被簡化爲許多。例如,一個'network = collections.defaultdict(list)'可以擺脫blob循環中完整的blob。 – Evert