var users = {};
users.bill = []
users.keith = [];
var someInfo = {};
someInfo.tweet = "Hello, I am a message";
someInfo.dateCreated = new Date();
var showTimeline = function(){
var tweeter = $(this).text(); // get username from whichever name is clicked on
console.log(tweeter); // log name to console. e.g tweeter holds "keith"
console.log(streams.users["keith"][0].message); // this works fine and extracts string as expected
console.log(streams.users[tweeter][0].message); // program breaks here and says "tweeter is undefined", right after i logged it to the console and showed it holds the string "keith"
告訴我一個小提琴,但也許在'''用戶'''你實際上並沒有把'''高音喇叭'' – turnt
嗯......似乎很奇怪......到目前爲止我看起來就對.. – VIDesignz
嘗試: 'var tweeter = $ .trim($(this).text());' –