2015-04-03 466 views

當我試圖編譯這個猜測數字的簡單控制檯遊戲時,我收到了這個奇怪的錯誤。這在我的桌面上運行良好,但目前我正在使用我的筆記本電腦,無法讓此WORKING遊戲編譯。我得到的錯誤是The associated script can not be loaded. Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script.我已經嘗試從重寫代碼到使用更簡單的方法進行測試,但仍然無法工作。Unity中的C#腳本錯誤


using UnityEngine; 
using System; 
//using System.Collections; 

public class NumberWizards : MonoBehaviour { 

    // Use this for initialization 

    int max; 
    int min; 
    int guess; 
    //string userInput = "input"; 

    void Start() { 


    void StarGame() { 
     max = 1000; 
     min = 1; 

     print ("========================"); 
     print ("Welcome to Number Wizard"); 

//  print ("Give a max range of numbers: "); 
//  userInput = Console.ReadLine(); 
//  max = Convert.ToInt32(userInput); 
//  print ("Give a min range of numbers: "); 
//  userInput = Console.ReadLine(); 
//  min = Convert.ToInt32(userInput); 
//  while(min == max) { 
//   Console.WriteLine("The ranges must be different!"); 
//   print ("Give a min range of numbers: "); 
//   userInput = Console.ReadLine(); 
//   min = Convert.ToInt32(userInput); 
//  } 
     max = max +1; 
     guess = max - min; 
     print("Think of a number and don't tell me. "); 

     print ("The highest number you can pick is " + max); 
     print ("The lowest number you can pick is " + min);  
     print ("Is the number higher or lower than " + guess); 
     print ("Up arrow = higher, down = lower, return = equal"); 


    void NextGuess() { 

     guess = (max + min)/2; 
     print ("Higher or lower than " + guess); 
     print ("Up arrow = higher, down = lower, return = equal"); 


    // Update is called once per frame 
    void Update() { 

     if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { 
      //print("Up arrow key was pressed"); 

      min = guess; 

     }else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { 
      //print("Down arrow key was pressed"); 

      max = guess; 

     } else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { 
      print("I won"); 





  1. 確保沒有編譯時錯誤。在MonoDevelop中構建,並驗證Unity中控制檯上沒有錯誤。
  2. 確保類的名稱與文件名匹配。這是我的錯誤;-)
  3. 嘗試切換出腳本並放入其他東西,看看是否有一個小故障。