2011-10-12 65 views

C# Inheritance: Static vs. Non-Static FieldC#繼承:使用靜態字段?


private abstract class ControllerBasics 
    protected SerialPort serial; // The serial port to communicate with the controller. 
    protected Dictionary<int, string> errorDescriptions = new Dictionary<int, string> {{1, "Sensor Error"},{2, "Controller Error"}, ...}; // Possible errors for the controller (known and fixed). Won't change from controller to controller. 

    public string SendReceiveCommand(string command){...} // Method to send string command over "serial".  

public class OverallController : ControllerBasics // The actual class used to communicate with the controller. 
    // Add top-level controller settings. 
    private string controllerName = "Controller1"; // Have a property to get/set. 
    private bool controllerON; // Controller on/off. Have property to get/set. 
    ... // Other similar fields and methods. 

    // Used to "sort" the controller's many settings/functions. 
    private SensorSettings sensorSettings; // Have get/set properties for these so I could do the following: overallControllerInstance.GetSensorSettingsProperty.SetActiveSensorCount(5); 
    private OutputSettings outputSettings; 
    private EnvironmentSettings environmentSettings; 

    public OverallController(string name, string comPort, ...) // Constructor. 
     // Basic settings initialization. 
     // Create serial port. 
     this.sensorSettings = new SensorSettings(this.serial); 
     this.outputSettings = ... 

public class SensorSettings : ControllerBasics // Class to hold the controller's specific sensor settings and their respective get/set methods. Not a new type of controller. 
    private int activeSensorCount; // Have public method to get/set. 
    ... // Others. 

    public void SetActiveSensorCount(int sensorCount) 
    // Send command using inherited SendReceive(). 
    ... // Others. 

public class OutputSettings : ControllerBasics // Same logic as SensorSettings. 
    private string units; // Have public method to get/set. 
    ... // Others. 

    public string GetUnitType() // Meters, mm, um... 
    // Send command using inherited SendReceive(). 
    ... // Others. 

public class EnvironmentSettings : ControllerBasics // Same logic as SensorSettings. 

所以,如果errorDescriptionsControllerBasics定義是已知的和固定的在編譯時我應該將其設爲靜態的,還是應該讓它保護,並且每個派生類都會保留有它自己的字典(即this.errorDescriptions)?如果我將其設爲靜態,我將如何在派生類中引用它?例如,如果在Sensor Settings中我會使用ControllerBasics.errorDescriptionsSensorSettings.errorDescriptions



如果你看看大多數新問題,他們很可能是前一個問題的重演。人們通常在發佈之前不會搜索他們的問題。 –



我建議你使用靜態方法,它更邏輯,更快,並且內存效率更高。 是的,你可以使用ControllerBasics.errorDescriptions或SensorSettings.errorDescriptions。


兩者。如果錯誤消息在編譯時已知,則可能最好將兩者合併 - 使其生成protected static Dictionary<int, string> errorDescriptions




