2017-02-15 22 views

背景:我需要顯示一個新的病人被放置在牀中的每個時間病牀被排空的時間(通過患者放電),並與指示所採取的步驟的標記爲新患者準備牀。上水平barplot倍類數據的清除標記/ geom_segment


問題:如何更好地在x軸上顯示時間? 我很感激任何推薦使用class =「times」數據的文檔。


BedMap <- structure(list(
    Date = structure(c(17210, 17210, 17210, 17210, 17210, 17210, 17210), class = "Date"), 
    RoomBed = c("TestBed1", "TestBed2", "TestBed3", "TestBed4", "TestBed5", "TestBed6", "TestBed7"), 
    UnitGroup = c("Tele", "Tele", "2P", "2P", "3P", "Tele", "ICU"), 
    DcOrderTime = structure(c(0.358333333333333, 0.377777777777778, 0.430555555555556, 0.470833333333333, 0.395833333333333, 0.623611111111111, 0.441666666666667), 
         format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), 
    DcTime = structure(c(0.457638888888889, 0.475694444444444, 0.5, 0.59375, 0.625, 0.700694444444444, 0.770833333333333), 
       format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), 
    DecisionTime = structure(c(0.582638888888889, 0.539583333333333, 0.886111111111111, 0.596527777777778, 0.675, 0.653472222222222, 0.777777777777778), 
         format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), 
    RequestBedTime = structure(c(0.60625, 0.545138888888889, 0.91875, 0.84375, 0.707638888888889, 0.713888888888889, 0.857638888888889), 
         format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), 
    DepartTime = structure(c(0.629166666666667, 0.599305555555556, 0.974305555555556, 0.952083333333333, 0.859722222222222, 0.770138888888889, 0.910416666666667), 
        format = "h:m:s", class = "times")), 
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -7L), 
    .Names = c("Date", "RoomBed", "UnitGroup", "DcOrderTime", "DcTime", "DecisionTime", "RequestBedTime", "DepartTime")) 


enter image description here

ggplot(BedMap) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = 0, #start of light grey bar, indicates bed occupied & discharge planning has not yet started 
       y = RoomBed, 
       xend = DcOrderTime, #end of light grey bar 
       yend = RoomBed), 
      color = "Light Grey", 
      size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = DcOrderTime, #start of dark grey bar, indicates bed still occupied but discharge planning has begun 
       y = RoomBed, 
       xend = DcTime, #end of dark grey bar, indicates patient has been discharged, bed is unoccupied 
       yend = RoomBed), 
       color = "Dark Grey", 
       size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = DepartTime, #start of blue bar, indicates new patient has been placed in bed 
       y = RoomBed, 
       xend = 1, #end of blue bar (set at midnight/end of day) 
       yend = RoomBed), 
       color = "Blue", 
       size = 6) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = DecisionTime, 
      y = RoomBed), 
     color = "black", size = 3) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = RequestBedTime, 
      y = RoomBed), 
     color = "green", size = 3) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + 
    labs(x = "Time", y = "Room-Bed", title = "Daily Bed Map") 



什麼是你的時間價值?你想如何展示它們?編寫一個將時間值轉換爲所需格式的函數,然後參見http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11610377/how-do-i-change-the-formatting-of-numbers-on-an-axis-與-ggplot的方式來使用它。 –


當我使用View(BedMap)查看當前數據時,如上所示,時間值顯示爲次數,例如:DcOrderTime < - c(「08:36:00」,「09:04:00」,「10 :20:00「,」11:18:00「,」09:30:00「,」14:58:00「,」10:36:00「)。我知道如何在軸上映射一個隨機標籤,但我認爲數據已經是時間格式,我不需要做任何轉換。我認爲可能有一種方法來指定軸應該以h:m:s格式顯示。 – jesstme


'times'類定義在哪裏? –



的問題是,我認爲,聯繫到了times類似乎是抱着持續時間,而不是一天的時間的事實(雖然我不能真正找到在類的文檔,從來沒有使用過它) 。由於ggplot未明確處理該格式,因此將其轉換爲numeric進行繪圖(您可以在dput的輸出中看到存儲的數值)。


ggplot(BedMap) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = 0, #start of light grey bar, indicates bed occupied & discharge planning has not yet started 
        y = RoomBed, 
        xend = 24*DcOrderTime, #end of light grey bar 
        yend = RoomBed), 
       color = "Light Grey", 
       size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = 24*DcOrderTime, #start of dark grey bar, indicates bed still occupied but discharge planning has begun 
        y = RoomBed, 
        xend = 24*DcTime, #end of dark grey bar, indicates patient has been discharged, bed is unoccupied 
        yend = RoomBed), 
       color = "Dark Grey", 
       size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = 24*DepartTime, #start of blue bar, indicates new patient has been placed in bed 
        y = RoomBed, 
        xend = 24, #end of blue bar (set at midnight/end of day) 
        yend = RoomBed), 
       color = "Blue", 
       size = 6) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = 24*DecisionTime, 
       y = RoomBed), 
      color = "black", size = 3) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = 24*RequestBedTime, 
       y = RoomBed), 
      color = "green", size = 3) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + 
    labs(x = "Time", y = "Room-Bed", title = "Daily Bed Map") + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 24, 3) 
        , labels = sprintf("%02d:00",seq(0, 24, 3)) 


enter image description here



Got it!原來,答案在於class =「times」來自chron包。通過在我的繪圖結尾處添加一條簡單的線條,顯示更改簡單,無需額外映射。看到我下面的原始代碼,再加上最後一行。

ggplot(BedMap) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = 0, #start of light grey bar, indicates bed occupied & discharge planning has not yet started 
      y = RoomBed, 
      xend = DcOrderTime, #end of light grey bar 
      yend = RoomBed), 
     color = "Light Grey", size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = DcOrderTime, #start of dark grey bar, indicates bed still occupied but discharge planning has begun 
      y = RoomBed, 
      xend = DcTime, #end of dark grey bar, indicates patient has been discharged, bed is unoccupied 
      yend = RoomBed), 
      color = "Dark Grey", size = 6) + 
    geom_segment(aes(x = DepartTime, #start of blue bar, indicates new patient has been placed in bed 
      y = RoomBed, 
      xend = 1, #end of blue bar (set at midnight/end of day) 
      yend = RoomBed), 
      color = "Blue", size = 6) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = DecisionTime, 
     y = RoomBed), 
    color = "black", size = 3) + 
    geom_point(aes(x = RequestBedTime, 
     y = RoomBed), 
    color = "green", size = 3) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + 
    labs(x = "Time", y = "Room-Bed", title = "Daily Bed Map") + 
    scale_x_chron(format = "%H:%m", n = 12)