int main() {
float program = 0;
float scores = 0;
float test = 0;
float testScores = 0;
float e = 1;
float exam = 0;
float programAverage = 0;
cout << "Enter the number of assignments that were graded: ";
cin >> program;
for (int i = 1; i <= program; i++){
cout << "Enter the score for assignment # " << i <<": "; cin >> scores;
cout << "Enter the number of test: ";
cin >> test;
for (int e = 1; e <= test; e++){
cout << "Enter the score for test # " << e << ": "; cin >> testScores;
cout << "Enter the final exam score: ";
cin >> exam;
programAverage = (scores/program);
cout << "Program Average: " << programAverage << endl;
提示,創建另一個變量,並使用它來彙總「輸入分數...」循環中的所有'分數'輸入。 –
我很新的編碼,你可以給我一個例子或什麼? – user3320545
'float total_of scores = 0;'然後在你的循環內部,在閱讀'scores','total_of_scores + = scores;'後。如此,您不斷覆蓋以前的「分數」和「測試分數」,並且沒有真正使用過去的值。如果你需要保持分數,這樣你就可以在讀完所有的時候計算stddev,你可以將它們push_back到vector中,然後遍歷它們以訪問它們......這將是一個很好的「第二階段」你學習C++。 –