2017-03-15 206 views


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var nums = new Array(); 
    var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 
    N = parseInt(N); 
    var i = 0; 
    for(i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++) 
     nums[i] = prompt("Enter your numbers: "); 
     document.write("Number you chose: " + nums[i] + "<br />"); 

'變種總和= 0;'環路,'總和+ =號碼(NUMS [I])'循環內(後與提示線)和'VAR平均=總和/ N之前;循環之後。 – nnnnnn



你必須使用一個總和VAR s增加的輸入值,並使用這個公式average = s/N計算在年底平均:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var nums = new Array(); 
    var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 
    N = parseInt(N); 
    var i = 0, s = 0; 
    for(i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++) 
     nums[i] = parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 
     s += nums[i]; 
     document.write("Number you chose: " + nums[i] + "<br />"); 
    var ave = s/N; 
    document.write("Average: " + ave + "<br />"); 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
\t var nums = new Array(); 
\t var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 
\t N = parseInt(N); 
\t var i = 0, s = 0; 
\t for(i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++) 
\t { 
\t \t var x = parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 
\t \t s += x; 
\t \t document.write("Number you chose: " + x + "<br />"); 
\t } 
\t var ave = s/N; 
\t document.write("Average: " + ave + "<br />"); 

     var nums = new Array(); 
     var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 
     N = parseInt(N); 
     var i = 0; 
     for (i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++) { 
      // convert string to integer 
      nums[i] = parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 
      document.write("Number you chose: " + nums[i] + "<br />"); 

     var sum = nums.reduce(function(prev, cur) { 
      return prev + cur; 
     }, 0); 

     var avg = sum/N; 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function getSum(total, num) { 
    return total + num; 

    var nums = new Array(); 
    var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 
    N = parseInt(N); 
    var i = 0; 

    for (i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++) { 
    nums[i] = parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 
    document.write("Number you chose: " + nums[i] + "<br />"); 

    document.write("Avg. of entered numbers = " + (nums.reduce(getSum))/nums.length); 





這給出了輸入數字的總和不是平均值。 – Bhargav


糟糕。謝謝 。更新我的答案和小提琴 – Harshal


首先,你可以在你的定義var i = 0 for循環, i <= N - 1i < N相同。編寫循環的更簡單的方法是...... for(var i = 0; i < N; i++)(也從上面刪除var N = 0;)。


JavaScript的另一個很酷的事情是,它可以自由地將您正在使用的變量轉換爲適合所使用上下文的變量類型。這意味着N = parseInt(N);在您的情況下不是必需的,因爲它只能被視爲循環中的整數。



//Prompt the user how many numbers they would like to enter 
var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 

//Set sum to 0, which gives us a base to add each number to it. 
var sum = 0; 

//Complete this loop the same amount of times as the user entered in the prompt 
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { 

    //Add the users response to the sum of responses 
    sum += parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 

//Write into the document the sum of 
document.write("Avg. of entered numbers = " + sum/N); 



//Prompt the user how many numbers they would like to enter 
var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 

//Create an empty array to push elements to it 
var nums = new Array(); 

//Set sum to 0, which gives us a base to add each number to it. 
var sum = 0; 

//Complete this loop the same amount of times as the user entered in the prompt 
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { 

    //Get the users response to a variable 
    var response = parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: ")); 

    //Add that variable to the sum 
    sum += response; 

    //And also push that variable to the array 

//Write into the document the sum of the document 
document.write("Avg. of entered numbers = " + sum/nums.length); 




//Prompt the user how many numbers they would like to enter 
var N = prompt("How many numbers would you like to enter? "); 

//Create an empty array to push elements to it 
var nums = new Array(); 

//Complete this loop the same amount of times as the user entered in the prompt 
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { 

    //Push users response to the original array 
    nums.push(parseInt(prompt("Enter your numbers: "))); 


//Use the reduce function to get the sum of the array, and then divide it by the amount of elements in the array. 
document.write("Avg. of entered numddbers = " + (nums.reduce((a, b) => a + b)/nums.length));