public void catch_fish()
if (fish > 1000)
text.text = "Rock-Smasher already has a lot of fish! You should cook those first! \n\n " +
"Press Space to back to the river";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
currentState = States.river;
int amount = 0;
amount = Random.Range(0, 7);
fish = fish + amount;
text.text = "You peer down into the water and you quickly thrust your hand into the water, catching " + fish + " fish. Wow! \n\n " +
"Press R to go back to the river, or F to catch more fish";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
currentState = States.river;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
currentState = States.catch_fish;
如果你正在使用C#的隨機類,你應該可以做這樣的事情:Random rnd = new Random(); amount = rnd.Next(1,7);' –
看到這個:http:// stackoverflow。 COM /問題/ 3975290 /生產-一個隨機數-IN-A-範圍,使用-C-銳 –
'Input.GetKeyDown'看起來像Unity3d,如果這是Unity3d你必須標記爲編輯添加到您的問題。 –