我有一個函數,意思是初始化未初始化的變量,並重新初始化已初始化的變量。 我的問題是,我聲明的變量似乎被初始化。
* This software defines the type TabDyn and gives the tools to manipulate it
* TabDyn is conceptually an array of integers. The first element is the size while the others are the members of the array.
* Here are the function provided to manipulate TabDyn :
* td_clear(TabDyn* td) : Create the TabDyn object if non existant and initialize it to an empty one. If it exists, it empties it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// TabDyn[0] := size
// tabDyn[i] := i^th element of the array, first index being 1 (i>1)
typedef int* TabDyn;
* param - TabDyn* td_ptr : address of a declared int
* void : initialize {td_ptr} to an empty array (size=0, no member)
void td_clear(TabDyn* td_ptr)
//this is the size of each member of TabDyn and thus the size of an empty TabDyn
size_t TabDynByteCount = sizeof(int);
//We must free initialized TabDyn variables
if(td_ptr && *td_ptr)
printf("INITIALIZED!\n"); //#TOREMOVE#
//Create TabDyn object of size = 0 and give it to param
*td_ptr = calloc(1, TabDynByteCount);
* Contains various test of the TabDyn function to ensure a correct behaviour by testing it at runtime with Valgrind
int main()
//* TEST decl-init-free #VALID:v0.04#
printf("\n--- TEST OF td_clear BATCH 1 ---\n");
printf("Declaring TabDyn variable\n");
TabDyn tabTestAllocate;
printf("Initialising TabDyn variable\n");
printf("Freeing now useless variables\n");
//* TEST decl-init-init-free
printf("\n--- TEST OF td_clear BATCH 2 ---\n");
printf("Declaring TabDyn variable\n");
TabDyn tabTestAllocate2;
printf("Initialising TabDyn variable\n");
printf("Re-initialising TabDyn variable\n");
td_clear(&tabTestAllocate2); // It is not a duplicate
printf("Freeing now useless variables\n");
--- TEST OF td_clear BATCH 1 ---
Declaring TabDyn variable
Initialising TabDyn variable
==10875== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==10875== at 0x400654: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x4006CD: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==10875== at 0x4C2CDE1: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==10875== by 0x40066E: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x4006CD: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Invalid free()/delete/delete[]/realloc()
==10875== at 0x4C2CE2B: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==10875== by 0x40066E: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x4006CD: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Address 0x400540 is in the Text segment of /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen
==10875== at 0x400540: _start (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
Freeing now useless variables
--- TEST OF td_clear BATCH 2 ---
Declaring TabDyn variable
Initialising TabDyn variable
==10875== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==10875== at 0x400654: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x40070D: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==10875== at 0x4C2CDE1: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==10875== by 0x40066E: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x40070D: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Invalid free()/delete/delete[]/realloc()
==10875== at 0x4C2CE2B: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==10875== by 0x40066E: td_clear (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== by 0x40070D: main (in /home/adrien/Documents/c/examen)
==10875== Address 0xffefffe70 is on thread 1's stack
Re-initialising TabDyn variable
Freeing now useless variables
==10875== HEAP SUMMARY:
==10875== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==10875== total heap usage: 3 allocs, 5 frees, 12 bytes allocated
==10875== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==10875== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==10875== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==10875== ERROR SUMMARY: 6 errors from 6 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
TabDyn tabTestAllocate = NULL;
TabDyn tabTestAllocate2 = NULL;
是不是m y變量應該初始化爲NULL?或者是我的if語句不測試我認爲測試的內容?
不要'typedef'指針!這通過隱藏語義來模糊你的代碼,並且容易出錯。 – Olaf