2016-01-26 81 views




public class FbProfilePictureView extends FrameLayout { 

    * Callback interface that will be called when a network or other error is encountered 
    * while retrieving profile pictures. 
    public interface OnErrorListener { 
     * Called when a network or other error is encountered. 
     * @param error a FacebookException representing the error that was encountered. 
     void onError(FacebookException error); 

    * Tag used when logging calls are made by ProfilePictureView 
    public static final String TAG = ProfilePictureView.class.getSimpleName(); 

    * Indicates that the specific size of the View will be set via layout params. 
    * ProfilePictureView will default to NORMAL X NORMAL, if the layout params set on 
    * this instance do not have a fixed size. 
    * Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). 
    * Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView. 
    public static final int CUSTOM = -1; 

    * Indicates that the profile image should fit in a SMALL X SMALL space, regardless 
    * of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. 
    * Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). 
    * Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView. 
    public static final int SMALL = -2; 

    * Indicates that the profile image should fit in a NORMAL X NORMAL space, regardless 
    * of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. 
    * Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). 
    * Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView. 
    public static final int NORMAL = -3; 

    * Indicates that the profile image should fit in a LARGE X LARGE space, regardless 
    * of whether the cropped or un-cropped version is chosen. 
    * Used in calls to setPresetSize() and getPresetSize(). 
    * Corresponds with the preset_size Xml attribute that can be set on ProfilePictureView. 
    public static final int LARGE = -4; 

    private static final int MIN_SIZE = 1; 
    private static final boolean IS_CROPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE = true; 
    private static final String SUPER_STATE_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_superState"; 
    private static final String PROFILE_ID_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_profileId"; 
    private static final String PRESET_SIZE_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_presetSize"; 
    private static final String IS_CROPPED_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_isCropped"; 
    private static final String BITMAP_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_bitmap"; 
    private static final String BITMAP_WIDTH_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_width"; 
    private static final String BITMAP_HEIGHT_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_height"; 
    private static final String PENDING_REFRESH_KEY = "ProfilePictureView_refresh"; 

    private String profileId; 
    private int queryHeight = ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 
    private int queryWidth = ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 
    private boolean isCropped = IS_CROPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE; 
    private Bitmap imageContents; 
    private ImageView image; 
    private int presetSizeType = CUSTOM; 
    private ImageRequest lastRequest; 
    private OnErrorListener onErrorListener; 
    private Bitmap customizedDefaultProfilePicture = null; 

    * Constructor 
    * @param context Context for this View 
    public FbProfilePictureView(Context context) { 

    * Constructor 
    * @param context Context for this View 
    * @param attrs AttributeSet for this View. 
    *    The attribute 'preset_size' is processed here 
    public FbProfilePictureView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
     super(context, attrs); 

    * Constructor 
    * @param context Context for this View 
    * @param attrs AttributeSet for this View. 
    *     The attribute 'preset_size' is processed here 
    * @param defStyle Default style for this View 
    public FbProfilePictureView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { 
     super(context, attrs, defStyle); 

    * Gets the current preset size type 
    * @return The current preset size type, if set; CUSTOM if not 
    public final int getPresetSize() { 
     return presetSizeType; 

    * Apply a preset size to this profile photo 
    * @param sizeType The size type to apply: SMALL, NORMAL or LARGE 
    public final void setPresetSize(int sizeType) { 
     switch (sizeType) { 
      case SMALL: 
      case NORMAL: 
      case LARGE: 
      case CUSTOM: 
       this.presetSizeType = sizeType; 

       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use a predefined preset size"); 


    * Indicates whether the cropped version of the profile photo has been chosen 
    * @return True if the cropped version is chosen, false if not. 
    public final boolean isCropped() { 
     return isCropped; 

    * Sets the profile photo to be the cropped version, or the original version 
    * @param showCroppedVersion True to select the cropped version 
    *       False to select the standard version 
    public final void setCropped(boolean showCroppedVersion) { 
     isCropped = showCroppedVersion; 
     // No need to force the refresh since we will catch the change in required dimensions 

    * Returns the profile Id for the current profile photo 
    * @return The profile Id 
    public final String getProfileId() { 
     return profileId; 

    * Sets the profile Id for this profile photo 
    * @param profileId The profileId 
    *     NULL/Empty String will show the blank profile photo 
    public final void setProfileId(String profileId) { 
     boolean force = false; 
     if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(this.profileId) || !this.profileId.equalsIgnoreCase(profileId)) { 
      // Clear out the old profilePicture before requesting for the new one. 
      force = true; 

     this.profileId = profileId; 

    * Returns the current OnErrorListener for this instance of ProfilePictureView 
    * @return The OnErrorListener 
    public final OnErrorListener getOnErrorListener() { 
     return onErrorListener; 

    * Sets an OnErrorListener for this instance of ProfilePictureView to call into when 
    * certain errors occur. 
    * @param onErrorListener The Listener object to set 
    public final void setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener onErrorListener) { 
     this.onErrorListener = onErrorListener; 

    * The ProfilePictureView will display the provided image while the specified 
    * profile is being loaded, or if the specified profile is not available. 
    * @param inputBitmap The bitmap to render until the actual profile is loaded. 
    public final void setDefaultProfilePicture(Bitmap inputBitmap) { 
     customizedDefaultProfilePicture = inputBitmap; 

    * Overriding onMeasure to handle the case where WRAP_CONTENT might be 
    * specified in the layout. Since we don't know the dimensions of the profile 
    * photo, we need to handle this case specifically. 
    * <p/> 
    * The approach is to default to a NORMAL sized amount of space in the case that 
    * a preset size is not specified. This logic is applied to both width and height 
    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { 
     ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = getLayoutParams(); 
     boolean customMeasure = false; 
     int newHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); 
     int newWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); 
     if (MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && 
       params.height == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { 
      newHeight = getPresetSizeInPixels(true); // Default to a preset size 
      heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(newHeight, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); 
      customMeasure = true; 

     if (MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && 
       params.width == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { 
      newWidth = getPresetSizeInPixels(true); // Default to a preset size 
      widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(newWidth, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); 
      customMeasure = true; 

     if (customMeasure) { 
      // Since we are providing custom dimensions, we need to handle the measure 
      // phase from here 
      setMeasuredDimension(newWidth, newHeight); 
      measureChildren(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); 
     } else { 
      // Rely on FrameLayout to do the right thing 
      super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); 

    * In addition to calling super.Layout(), we also attempt to get a new image that 
    * is properly sized for the layout dimensions 
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { 
     super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); 

     // See if the image needs redrawing 

    * Some of the current state is returned as a Bundle to allow quick restoration 
    * of the ProfilePictureView object in scenarios like orientation changes. 
    * @return a Parcelable containing the current state 
    protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { 
     Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); 
     Bundle instanceState = new Bundle(); 
     instanceState.putParcelable(SUPER_STATE_KEY, superState); 
     instanceState.putString(PROFILE_ID_KEY, profileId); 
     instanceState.putInt(PRESET_SIZE_KEY, presetSizeType); 
     instanceState.putBoolean(IS_CROPPED_KEY, isCropped); 
     instanceState.putParcelable(BITMAP_KEY, imageContents); 
     instanceState.putInt(BITMAP_WIDTH_KEY, queryWidth); 
     instanceState.putInt(BITMAP_HEIGHT_KEY, queryHeight); 
     instanceState.putBoolean(PENDING_REFRESH_KEY, lastRequest != null); 

     return instanceState; 

    * If the passed in state is a Bundle, an attempt is made to restore from it. 
    * @param state a Parcelable containing the current state 
    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { 
     if (state.getClass() != Bundle.class) { 
     } else { 
      Bundle instanceState = (Bundle) state; 

      profileId = instanceState.getString(PROFILE_ID_KEY); 
      presetSizeType = instanceState.getInt(PRESET_SIZE_KEY); 
      isCropped = instanceState.getBoolean(IS_CROPPED_KEY); 
      queryWidth = instanceState.getInt(BITMAP_WIDTH_KEY); 
      queryHeight = instanceState.getInt(BITMAP_HEIGHT_KEY); 

      setImageBitmap((Bitmap) instanceState.getParcelable(BITMAP_KEY)); 

      if (instanceState.getBoolean(PENDING_REFRESH_KEY)) { 

    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { 

     // Null out lastRequest. This way, when the response is returned, we can ascertain 
     // that the view is detached and hence should not attempt to update its contents. 
     lastRequest = null; 

    private void initialize(Context context) { 
     // We only want our ImageView in here. Nothing else is permitted 

     image = new ImageView(context); 

     LayoutParams imageLayout = new LayoutParams(


     // We want to prevent up-scaling the image, but still have it fit within 
     // the layout bounds as best as possible. 

    private void parseAttributes(AttributeSet attrs) { 
     TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(
       attrs, com.facebook.R.styleable.com_facebook_profile_picture_view); 
     setPresetSize(a.getInt(com.facebook.R.styleable.com_facebook_profile_picture_view_com_facebook_preset_size, CUSTOM)); 
     isCropped = a.getBoolean(
       com.facebook.R.styleable.com_facebook_profile_picture_view_com_facebook_is_cropped, IS_CROPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE); 

    private void refreshImage(boolean force) { 
     boolean changed = updateImageQueryParameters(); 
     // Note: do not use Utility.isNullOrEmpty here as this will cause the Eclipse 
     // Graphical Layout editor to fail in some cases 
     if (profileId == null || profileId.length() == 0 || 
       ((queryWidth == ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION) && 
         (queryHeight == ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION))) { 
     } else if (changed || force) { 

    private void setBlankProfilePicture() { 
     // If we have a pending image download request cancel it 
     if (lastRequest != null) { 

     if (customizedDefaultProfilePicture == null) { 
      int blankImageResource = isCropped() ? 
        com.facebook.R.drawable.com_facebook_profile_picture_blank_square : 
      setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), blankImageResource)); 
     } else { 
      // Update profile image dimensions. 
      // Resize inputBitmap to new dimensions of queryWidth and queryHeight. 
      Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(
        customizedDefaultProfilePicture, queryWidth, queryHeight, false); 

    private void setImageBitmap(Bitmap imageBitmap) { 
     if (image != null && imageBitmap != null) { 
      imageContents = imageBitmap; // Hold for save-restore cycles 

    private void sendImageRequest(boolean allowCachedResponse) { 
     ImageRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new ImageRequest.Builder(
       ImageRequest.getProfilePictureUri(profileId, queryWidth, queryHeight)); 

     ImageRequest request = requestBuilder.setAllowCachedRedirects(allowCachedResponse) 
         new ImageRequest.Callback() { 
          public void onCompleted(ImageResponse response) { 

     // Make sure to cancel the old request before sending the new one to prevent 
     // accidental cancellation of the new request. This could happen if the URL and 
     // caller tag stayed the same. 
     if (lastRequest != null) { 
     lastRequest = request; 


    private void processResponse(ImageResponse response) { 
     // First check if the response is for the right request. We may have: 
     // 1. Sent a new request, thus super-ceding this one. 
     // 2. Detached this view, in which case the response should be discarded. 
     if (response.getRequest() == lastRequest) { 
      lastRequest = null; 
      Bitmap responseImage = response.getBitmap(); 
      Exception error = response.getError(); 
      if (error != null) { 
       OnErrorListener listener = onErrorListener; 
       if (listener != null) { 
        listener.onError(new FacebookException(
          "Error in downloading profile picture for profileId: " + 
            getProfileId(), error)); 
       } else { 
        Logger.log(LoggingBehavior.REQUESTS, Log.ERROR, TAG, error.toString()); 
      } else if (responseImage != null) { 

       if (response.isCachedRedirect()) { 

    private boolean updateImageQueryParameters() { 
     int newHeightPx = getHeight(); 
     int newWidthPx = getWidth(); 
     if (newWidthPx < MIN_SIZE || newHeightPx < MIN_SIZE) { 
      // Not enough space laid out for this View yet. Or something else is awry. 
      return false; 

     int presetSize = getPresetSizeInPixels(false); 
     if (presetSize != ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION) { 
      newWidthPx = presetSize; 
      newHeightPx = presetSize; 

     // The cropped version is square 
     // If full version is desired, then only one dimension is required. 
     if (newWidthPx <= newHeightPx) { 
      newHeightPx = isCropped() ? newWidthPx : ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 
     } else { 
      newWidthPx = isCropped() ? newHeightPx : ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 

     boolean changed = (newWidthPx != queryWidth) || (newHeightPx != queryHeight); 

     queryWidth = newWidthPx; 
     queryHeight = newHeightPx; 

     return changed; 

    private int getPresetSizeInPixels(boolean forcePreset) { 
     int dimensionId; 
     switch (presetSizeType) { 
      case SMALL: 
       dimensionId = com.facebook.R.dimen.com_facebook_profilepictureview_preset_size_small; 
      case NORMAL: 
       dimensionId = com.facebook.R.dimen.com_facebook_profilepictureview_preset_size_normal; 
      case LARGE: 
       dimensionId = com.facebook.R.dimen.com_facebook_profilepictureview_preset_size_large; 
      case CUSTOM: 
       if (!forcePreset) { 
        return ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 
       } else { 
        dimensionId = com.facebook.R.dimen.com_facebook_profilepictureview_preset_size_normal; 
       return ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_DIMENSION; 

     return getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(dimensionId); 

    public Bitmap getRoundedBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { 
     Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap 
       .getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); 
     Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output); 

     final int color = 0xff424242; 
     final Paint paint = new Paint(); 
     final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); 
     final RectF rectF = new RectF(rect); 

     canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); 
     canvas.drawOval(rectF, paint); 

     paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)); 
     canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, rect, rect, paint); 

     return output; 

哇!不可思議的是,你寫這一切只是爲了回答這個問題。 ;) –