我正在查看this website以瞭解如何製作自定義旋轉功能(僅供趣味)。我在khan academy上運行我的代碼,因爲我很容易用代碼練習自然模擬。到目前爲止,我有在javascript中製作旋轉功能
// I would like to try and make 3d objects
//used this as a reference http://petercollingridge.appspot.com/3D-tutorial/rotating-objects
//make nodes
var node = function(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
node.prototype.draw = function(){
fill(0, 0, 0);
//make and edge
var edge = function(n_1,n_2){//this n_1, and n_2 are arbitrary names for input params
this.n_1 = n_1;
this.n_2 = n_2;
//draw the edge
edge.prototype.draw = function(){
fill(0, 0, 0);
line(this.n_1.x,this.n_1.y, this.n_2.x, this.n_2.y);
//a center would be much eaiser... I will make squares with centers and diameters instead!
var square = function(x,y,d){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.d = d;
//the radius
var r = this.d/2;
//make the nodes
var n1 = new node(this.x -r ,this.y +r);
var n2 = new node(this.x -r ,this.y -r);
var n3 = new node(this.x +r ,this.y -r);
var n4 = new node(this.x +r ,this.y +r);
var nArray = [n1,n2,n3,n4];
this.nArray = nArray;
//make the edges
var e1 = new edge(n1,n2);
var e2 = new edge(n2,n3);
var e3 = new edge(n3,n4);
var e4 = new edge(n4,n1);
var eArray = [e1,e2,e3,e4];
this.eArray = eArray;
//make new squares
var s1 = new square(125,15,20);
var s2 = new square(185,15,20);
square.prototype.draw = function() {
//draw everything
for(var i = 0; i < this.nArray.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < this.eArray.length; j++){
square.prototype.rotate2D = function(theta){
//how much we want it to change is theta
var sin_t = sin(theta);
var cos_t = cos(theta);
//we need the original x and y, since this.x and this.y will be changed
var x = this.nArray[0].x;
var y = this.nArray[0].y;
//remember trig? x' = x * cos(beta) - y * sin(beta)
// y' = y * cos(beta) - x * sin(beta)
this.nArray[0].x = x * cos_t - y * sin_t;
this.nArray[0].y = (y * cos_t) + (x * sin_t);
//draw shapes
draw = function() {
//fill(255, 255, 255);
//rect(0, 0, width, height);
這是因爲你正在旋轉。你需要翻譯成原點,旋轉,然後翻譯回原來的位置。然後它會出現圍繞這個點旋轉。值得一提你的轉換數學呢?這裏更多關於點問題的旋轉:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2259476/rotating-a-point-about-another-point-2d – enhzflep