import math
import numpy as np
class CircFifo():
helper class, uses a numpy array to provide a circular fixed size fifo
put(element): removes the oldest element and
places a new one
get(): returns the oldest entry
empty(): returns true if fifo is empty
full(): returns true if fifo is full
def __init__(self, size):
self.array = np.empty(shape=(size, 2))
self.size = size
self.array[:] = np.NAN
self.top = 0
self.bottom = 0
def put(self, row):
self.array[self.top, :] = row
self.top += 1
if self.top == self.size:
self.top = 0
def get(self):
if not math.isnan(self.array[self.bottom, 0]):
row = copy.deepcopy(self.array[self.bottom, :])
self.array[self.bottom, :] = float('NaN')
self.bottom += 1
if self.bottom == self.size:
self.bottom = 0
if math.isnan(self.array[self.bottom, 0]):
self.bottom = 0
self.top = 0
return row
def empty(self):
if math.isnan(self.array[self.bottom, 0]):
return True
return False
def full(self):
if self.size - np.count_nonzero(
np.isnan(self.array[:, 0])) == self.size:
return True
return False
In [5]: import time
In [6]: circFifo = CircFifo(300)
In [7]: elapsedTime = 0
In [8]: for i in range(1, 1000):
...: start = time.time()
...: circFifo.put(np.array([[52, 12]]))
...: elapsedTime += time.time() - start
In [9]: elapsedTime
Out[9]: 0.010616540908813477
In [21]: queue = deque()
In [22]: elapsedTime = 0
In [23]: for i in range(1, 1000):
....: start = time.time()
....: queue.append(np.array([[52, 12]]))
....: elapsedTime += time.time() - start
In [24]: elapsedTime
Out[24]: 0.00482630729675293
「直接索引必須非常高效」 - 這取決於您的意思是「高效」。在大O方面,你顯然不能比* O(1)*做得更好,但是這忽略了常數因子的大小。正如@AmiTavory正確指出的那樣,索引需要Python函數調用,與那些低級語言相比,它更昂貴。 –