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我想讀列表,好像它是一個矩陣 - 讀取每一列,好像它是一個類別L [0],L [1],L [2],和L [3]。我想採取每列的意思,但我需要知道如何相應地閱讀文本文件。
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我想讀列表,好像它是一個矩陣 - 讀取每一列,好像它是一個類別L [0],L [1],L [2],和L [3]。我想採取每列的意思,但我需要知道如何相應地閱讀文本文件。
matrix = [] # create an empty matrix. We'll add entries to it from the file soon
with open('path/to/file') as infile:
for line in infile: # for each line in the file
row = [float(i) for i in line.strip().split(',')] # turn each element in the line into a floating point number
matrix.append(row) # treat that line of floating point numbers as a list, and add it as a row of the matrix
cols = zip(*matrix) # transpose the matrix to get the columns
means = [sum(col)/len(col) for col in cols] # compute the mean of each column