(two-list '("1" "2" "3") '("4" "5" "6"))
=> '("14" "25" "36")
(define two-list ; code 100% equivalent to the one in the question
(lambda (list1 list2) ; here lambda is explicit, it was implicit before
[(empty? list1) ; if one list is finished then
empty] ; end recursion and return the empty list
[else ; otherwise
(cons (string-append ; cons the result of performing an operation
(first list1) ; over the first list's first element and
(first list2)) ; the second list's first element
(two-list ; finally, advance the recursion
(rest list1) ; over the first list and
(rest list2)))]))) ; over the second list too
(((λ (X) ; Y-Combinator
((λ (proc)
(proc proc))
(λ (proc)
(X (λ (arg1 arg2)
((proc proc) arg1 arg2))))))
(λ (two-list) ; `two-list` procedure it's just a parameter
(λ (list1 list2)
[(empty? list1) empty]
[else (cons (string-append (first list1) (first list2))
(two-list (rest list1) (rest list2)))]))))
'("1" "2" "3") '("4" "5" "6")) ; here we pass the arguments
=> '("14" "25" "36")
我的不好,我沒有讓自己清楚。我們必須做的是將該代碼轉換爲使用lambda的代碼。我們正在學習lambda遞歸。 – user3225528
以上是_already_使用'lambda',這只是它隱藏了一點語法糖後面。我用等價代碼更新了我的答案,以反映這 –
哦,我現在看到它,謝謝!出於好奇,是否有可能使整個事情lambda,就像使這個功能沒有任何定義的工作。 – user3225528