2016-07-07 45 views


$originalAmount = $_POST["originalAmount"]; 
$convertedAmount = 0.00; 
$currency1 = $_POST["currency1"]; 
$currency2 = $_POST["currency2"]; 
function convertCurrency($input, $origCurr, $convertCurr) { 

    if ($origCurr === 1){ 
     if ($convertCurr === 2){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 0.78; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     elseif ($convertCurr === 3){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 0.90; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     else { 
      $convertedAmount = $input; 
      return $convertedAmount; 

    if ($origCurr === 2){ 
     if ($convertCurr === 1){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 1.29; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     elseif ($convertCurr === 3){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 1.16; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     else { 
      $convertedAmount = $input; 
      return $convertedAmount; 

    if ($origCurr === 3){ 
     if ($convertCurr === 2){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 0.86; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     elseif ($convertCurr === 1){ 
      $convertedAmount = $input * 1.11; 
      return $convertedAmount; 
     else { 
      $convertedAmount = $input; 
      return $convertedAmount; 

$convertedAmount = convertCurrency($originalAmount, $currency1, $currency2); 


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       <h1>Currenccy Converter</h1></div> 
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       <p>Add items via the input below. 
        <br>Click to mark complete (Completed Items will be marked with a green background.) 
        <br>To delete a task, Click on the X. 
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       <h2 class="text-xs-center"><?php print $convertedAmount; ?></h2> 
       <form class="form-control" id="converterForm" action="index.php" method="post">   

        <select name="currency1" id="currency1"> 
         <option value="zzz">Starting</option> 
         <option value="1">USD</option> 
         <option value="2">GBP</option> 
         <option value="3">EUR</option> 

        <select name="currency2" id="currency2"> 
         <option value="zzz">Converted</option> 
         <option value="1">USD</option> 
         <option value="2">GBP</option> 
         <option value="3">EUR</option> 

        <div class="form-group"> 
         <label for="originalAmount" id="origLabel">Amount:</label> 
         <input id="originalAmount" type="number" value="0.00" name="originalAmount"> 
         <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT"> 




我的問題是,它似乎並沒有在服務器上運行。我曾經有一個只讀輸入,我試圖通過php echo作爲值更新,但是當我點擊提交時,它不起作用。然後我用包含echo的H2元素替換輸入。






問題:如果條件中使用了===,則使用===來比較變量的值和類型。在你的情況$_POST['your_variable']是字符串類型,你正在比較字符串與數字。 if ($origCurr === 1)。閱讀比較運算符here

enter image description here

解決方案:無論是類型轉換變量或使用==只比較值。 if ($origCurr == 1)


啊。是的,我知道== vs ===,但我錯誤地認爲,因爲我使用輸入類型編號,它將在不轉換的情況下提取int。衛生署。謝謝! –



function convertCurrency($input, $origCurr, $convertCurr) { 

    $conversionTable = array(
      '1' => array('2' => 0.78, '3' => 0.9), 
      '2' => array('1' => 1.29, '3' => 1.16), 
      '3' => array('2' => 0.86, '1' => 1.11) 

     return $input * (($origCurr !== $convertCurr) ? $conversionTable[$origCurr][$convertCurr] : 1); 

好的選擇,我想你錯過了第三例? 'USD <=> USD' – Rohit


@Rohit true!我更新了函數以反映'$ origCurr == $ converCurr'的情況。 – mulquin


爲什麼它應該返回1?它應該是輸入值'return($ origCurr!== $ convertCurr)? $ input * $ conversionTable [$ origCurr] [$ convertCurr]:$ input;' – Rohit