Warning: control reaches end of non-void function - iPhoneXcode中,控制到達非void函數結束
#include <stdio.h>
/* print Fahrenheit-celcius table
for fahr = 0 20, ...,300 */
int Main()
int fahr,celcius;
int upper,lower,step;
lower = 0; /* lower limit of temperature table */
upper = 300; /* upper limit of temperature table */
step = 20; /* step size*/
fahr = lower;
while (fahr <= upper) {
celcius = 5 * (fahr-32)/9;
printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celcius);
fahr = fahr + step;
是的我將M更改爲小寫,然後它工作。 – 2012-03-27 13:54:37
@AllanRaj:現在請接受他的回答。 – egrunin 2012-03-27 14:53:25