2017-10-04 113 views


typedef int state_requester(void* request_paramaters); 

int doSomething(state_requester* requester) { 

    // This if statement is what I'm trying to 
    // figure out how to do. 

    if (requester isoftype state_requester) { 
     return 1; 

    return 0; 

我試圖找到一種方法來驗證 參數傳遞實際上是嘗試執行之前,一個有效的state_requester 功能格式。

上面的代碼只是一個例子,顯然不是事情真正起作用。我只需要知道如何做if (x isoftype y)關於函數typedefs。


C沒有這種能力。類型在編譯時檢查 –


順便說一句,'請求者'不是'state_requester'類型。 '請求者'是類型'state_requester *'。 – chux


...但另一方面,類型*在編譯時檢查。這樣的檢查可以被任意地覆蓋或者可以忽略它們的結果,但是不像有人調用你的函數可能會意外地傳遞錯誤類型的參數,而沒有任何機會發現它們的錯誤。 –






#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

// Type Definitions 

// These are the type definitions that can be used to check for type 
// They need to be unique so that only types starting with these 
// prefixes will be presumed to be of the type specified. 
typedef enum type { 
    TYPE_StateRequester = 0x10f3ccd3, 
    TYPE_OtherThing = 0x09331c8c 
} type; 

// State Requester Definitions & Functions 

typedef int state_requester_f(void* request_parameters); 

// Since we want to check the "type" of a function reference, 
// we need to wrap it in a struct along with it's type code. 
struct state_requester_t { 
    int type; 
    state_requester_f* call; 
} typedef state_requester_t; 

state_requester_t new_state_requester(state_requester_f* call) { 
    state_requester_t sr; 
    sr.type = TYPE_StateRequester; 
    sr.call = call; 
    return sr; 

// This function will check if data is of type StateRequester 
// If the data sent to this function is not of the length 
// nessecary for the state_requester type, - OR - 
// it's type property is not equal to the StateRequester type 
// then we will presume that this data is NOT of type StateRequester 
uint8_t is_state_requester(void* data, size_t len) { 
    return len == sizeof(state_requester_t) && 
      ((state_requester_t*)data)->type == TYPE_StateRequester; 

// Testing functions 

int test_caller(void* data) { 
    printf("Got to the test_caller function.\n"); 

    return 0; 

int main(int agc, char *argv[]) { 

    // Create an actual state_requester_t definitiion 
    state_requester_t sr = new_state_requester(&test_caller); 

    // Test to see if it's validated as a state_requester_t 
    if (is_state_requester(&sr, sizeof(state_requester_t))) { 
     printf("Yes, variable 'sr' is presumadely of type state_requester_t\n"); 
    } else { 
     printf("No, variable 'sr' is not of type state_requester_t\n"); 

    // Create a phony state_requester_t definition, 
    // but keep it the same length as a regular 
    // state_requester_t 
    void* a = malloc(sizeof(state_requester_t)); 

    // Test to see if it's validated as a state_requester_t 
    if (is_state_requester(a, sizeof(state_requester_t))) { 
     printf("Yes, variable 'a' is presumadely of type state_requester_t\n"); 
    } else { 
     printf("No, variable 'a' is not of type state_requester_t\n"); 


    // Create a phony state_requester_t with an improper length 
    void* b = malloc(5); 

    // Test to see if it's validated as a state_requester_t 
    if (is_state_requester(b, sizeof(state_requester_t))) { 
     printf("Yes, variable 'b' is presumadely of type state_requester_t\n"); 
    } else { 
     printf("No, variable 'b' is not of type state_requester_t\n"); 


    return 0; 



