您有n個對象(x1,... xn),每個對象的成本ci和值vi(1 < = i < = n)以及附加約束X,這是項目值的下限選擇。 找到x1,...,xn的一個子集,使項目的成本最小化,其值至少爲X.
我試圖通過動態規劃來解決這個問題,我想到的是修改通常的表格用於K [n,c,X],其中X是我需要達到的最小值,但這似乎使我無處可去。任何好主意?
您有n個對象(x1,... xn),每個對象的成本ci和值vi(1 < = i < = n)以及附加約束X,這是項目值的下限選擇。 找到x1,...,xn的一個子集,使項目的成本最小化,其值至少爲X.
我試圖通過動態規劃來解決這個問題,我想到的是修改通常的表格用於K [n,c,X],其中X是我需要達到的最小值,但這似乎使我無處可去。任何好主意?
然後我們只需要考慮那些滿足條件size of the knapsack >= X
是當前揹包的大小,注意我們只需要考慮那些具有j >= X
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#define INF 1000000000
using namespace std;
int cost[1000], value[1000], n, X, dp[1000][1000];
int solve(int idx, int val){
if(idx == n){
//this is the base case of the recursion, i.e when
//the value is >= X then only we consider the solution
//else we reject the solution and pass Infinity
if(val >= X) return 0;
else return INF;
//this is the step where we return the solution if we have calculated it previously
//when dp[idx][val] == -1, that means that the solution has not been calculated before
//and we need to calculate it now
if(dp[idx][val] != -1) return dp[idx][val];
//this is the step where we do not pick the current element in the knapsack
int v1 = solve(idx+1, val);
//this is the step where we add the current element in the knapsack
int v2 = solve(idx+1, val + value[idx]) + cost[idx];
//here we are taking the minimum of the above two choices that we made and trying
//to find the better one, i.e the one which is the minimum
int ans = min(v1, v2);
//here we are setting the answer, so that if we find this state again, then we do not calculate
//it again rather use this solution that we calculated
dp[idx][val] = ans;
return dp[idx][val];
int main(){
cin >> n >> X;
for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
cin >> cost[i] >> value[i];
//here we are initializing our dp table to -1, i.e no state has been calculated currently
memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
int ans = solve(0, 0);
//if the answer is Infinity then the solution is not possible
if(ans != INF)cout << solve(0, 0) << endl;
else cout << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl;
return 0;
我不確定我完全理解你的解決方案,因爲我不是很熟練使用C++,但它似乎工作。你能解釋一下你在做什麼嗎? if(dp [idx] [val]!= -1)return dp [idx] [val]; int v = solve(idx + 1,val);其中v = min(v,solve(idx + 1,val + value [idx])+ cost [idx]); return dp [idx] [val] = v;' –
@Luca Giorgi我已經給解決方案添加了一些註釋,可以正確解釋它,您可能需要查看遞歸動態編程來更好地理解解決方案。 – uSeemSurprised
首先,假設您已經在解決方案中包含所有項目。 您的成本是Cost_Max,達到的值是Val_Max(對於存在的解決方案,應該>≥X)。現在回想一下原始揹包問題:給定一組權重W(i)和值V(i)的項目,找到權重限制= w的最大可實現值。現在
這會給你,你可以刪除的最大成本,同時你的價值仍然> = X.
所以,如果從上述步驟中發現的成本Cost_Knapsack,你的答案是Cost_Max - Cost_Knapsack。
揹包的大小是否有上限? – uSeemSurprised
不,該文本沒有提到這方面的任何內容 –