2015-07-19 25 views


function permAlone(str) { 

    var totalPerm = 1; 
    var result = []; 

    //assign the first letter 
    for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { 
     var firstNum = str[i]; 
     var perm = firstNum; 

     //create an array from the remaining letters in the string 
     for (var k = 0; k < str.length; k++) { 
      if (k !== i) { 
       perm += str[k]; 

     //Permutations: get the last letter and change its position by -1; 
     //Keep changing that letters's position by -1 until its index is 1; 
     //Then, take the last letter again and do the same thing; 
     //Keep doing the same thing until the total num of permutations of the number of items in the string -1 is reached (factorial of the number of items in the string -1 because we already established what the very first letter must be). 

     var permArr = perm.split(""); 
     var j = permArr.length - 1; 
     var patternsLeft = totalNumPatterns(perm.length - 1); 

     while (patternsLeft > 0) { 
      var to = j - 1; 
      var subRes = permArr.move(j, to); 

      if (noDoubleLettersPresent(subRes)) { 

      j -= 1; 
      if (j == 1) { 
       j = perm.length - 1; 
    return result.length; 

Array.prototype.move = function(from, to) { 
    this.splice(to, 0, (this.splice(from, 1))[0]); 
    return this.join(""); 

function totalNumPatterns(numOfRotatingItems) { 
    var iter = 1; 
    for (var q = numOfRotatingItems; q > 1; q--) { 
     iter *= q; 
    return iter; 

function noDoubleLettersPresent(str) { 
    if (str.match(/(.)\1/g)) { 
     return false; 
    } else { 
     return true; 


我認爲你的置換算法只適用於偶數個字符的字符串。 – m69


我用[堆的算法](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap%27s_algorithm)來解決這個問題。它的效率和易於在JavaScript中實現。 –



我認爲問題是你的置換算法;你從哪裏得到那個的?我用另一個(Filip Nguyen,根據他對this question的回答進行改編)嘗試了它,並按預期返回3600。

function permAlone(str) { 
    var result = 0; 
    var fact = [1]; 
    for (var i = 1; i <= str.length; i++) { 
     fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1]; 
    for (var i = 0; i < fact[str.length]; i++) { 
     var perm = ""; 
     var temp = str; 
     var code = i; 
     for (var pos = str.length; pos > 0; pos--) { 
      var sel = code/fact[pos - 1]; 
      perm += temp.charAt(sel); 
      code = code % fact[pos - 1]; 
      temp = temp.substring(0, sel) + temp.substring(sel + 1); 
     if (! perm.match(/(.)\1/g)) result++; 
    return result; 


更新:在回答相關的問題,我寫了一個算法不只是蠻力所有的排列,然後跳過相鄰雙打的,但採用的是合乎邏輯的方式只生成正確的排列。這裏解釋這裏:Permutations excluding repeated characters並擴大到包括任何數量的重複每個字符在這裏:Generate all permutations of a list without adjacent equal elements


這就是我想到排列組合時想到的東西。你知道我錯了哪裏以及爲什麼我的算法適用於某些情況,但不是所有情況? – Autumn


正如我所說,我認爲這是一個奇數/偶數的字符串長度的事情。如果你正在尋找排列算法,這一個似乎很容易在JavaScript中實現:http://arxiv.org/vc/cs/papers/0306/0306025v1.pdf – m69




// Simple helper function to compute all permutations of string indices 
function permute_indices_helper(input) { 
    var result = [];  
    if (input.length == 0) { 
     return [[]]; 
    for(var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { 
     var head = input.splice(i, 1)[0]; 
     var tails = permute_indices_helper(input); 
     for (var j = 0; j < tails.length; j++) { 
      tails[j].splice(0, 0, head); 
     input.splice(i, 0, head); // check 
    return result; 

// Given an array length, generate all permutations of possible indices 
// for array of that length. 
// Example: permute_indices(2) generates: 
// [[0,1,2], [0,2,1], [1,0,2], ... , [2, 0, 1]] 
function permute_indices(array_length) { 
    var result = []; 
    for (var i = 0; i < array_length; i++) { 
    return permute_indices_helper(result); 

// Rearrange letters of input string according to indices. 
// Example: "car", [2, 1, 0] 
// returns: "rac" 
function rearrange_string(str, indices) { 
    var result = ""; 
    for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { 
     var string_index = indices[i]; 
     result += str[string_index]; 
    return result; 

function permAlone(str) { 
    var result = 0; 
    var permutation_indices = permute_indices(str.length); 
    for (var i = 0; i < permutation_indices.length; i++) { 
     var permuted_string = rearrange_string(str, permutation_indices[i]); 
     if (! permuted_string.match(/(.)\1/g)) result++; 
    return result; 
