2015-04-22 48 views

我整理了以下程序,但我不知道爲什麼我收到以下錯誤:中無法識別的命令行C++ 11

error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’.

我的gcc版本是4.6,我已經設置C在NetBeans ++編譯器到C++ 11。

#include <cstdlib> 
#include <algorithm> 
using namespace std; 

template<class T> 
void parallel_sort(T* data, int len, int grainsize) 
    if(len < grainsize) // Use grainsize instead of thread count so that we don't e.g. spawn 4 threads just to sort 8 elements. 
     std::sort(data, data + len, std::less<T>()); 
     parallel_sort(data + len/2, len/2, grainsize); // No need to spawn another thread just to block the calling thread which would do nothing. 

     std::inplace_merge(data, data + len/2, data + len, std::less<T>()); 

int main(int argc, char** argv) { 
    return 0; 

嘗試'-std = C++ 0x',gcc4.6可能是太老了,支持'-std = C++ 11' – Praetorian


嘗試使用-std = C++ 0x – Sarang


我相信4.7.1左右添加了它。 – chris



將您的GCC升級到支持現代C++ 11的東西,比如GCC 4.8或更高版本。
