2014-09-26 87 views



'Check if the form has been processed 
If Request.Form("process")="true" Then 
    'Check the recordset for a valid record 

    If Not rs_user.Eof Then 
    'Valid record, so proceed with the email 
    Call sSendReminder (rs_user("email"), rs_user("password")) 
    Response.Write "Your password has been sent to your inbox. If you don't find it in your mail box, check your junk mail folder" 

    dim sName, sEmail, sMessage 
    dim oCdoMail, oCdoConf, sConfURL 

    sEmail = Request.Form("email") 

     Set oCdoMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
     Set oCdoConf = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 

     sConfURL = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" 

     with oCdoConf 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "sendusing") = 2 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "smtpserver") = "smptserveraddress.com" 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "smtpserverport") = 25 

     end with 

     with oCdoMail 
      .From = "[email protected]" 
      .To = sEmail 
      .Subject = "Password Recovery from samplesite" 
      .TextBody = "Your password is: " & password 
      .HTMLBody = "Your password is: " & password 
      .Configuration = oCdoConf 
     end with 

     Set oCdoConf = Nothing 
     Set oCdoMail = Nothing 

    'Not a valid record 
    Response.Write "Sorry, no email was found." 
    End If 
End If 

     Sub sSendReminder(email, password) 

End Sub 



回覆於rs_user( 「密碼」)上面呼叫sSendReminder。你看到價值了嗎? – 2014-09-26 22:18:34


再來。我沒有得到你 – blay 2014-09-26 22:24:55


我現在得到你,與response.write它能夠寫在頁面上的密碼,但不能發送郵件的正文 – blay 2014-09-27 00:30:14





Sub sSendReminder(email, password) 


dim sName, sEmail, sMessage 





'Check if the form has been processed 
If Request.Form("process")="true" Then 
    'Check the recordset for a valid record 


If Not rs_user.Eof Then 
    'Valid record, so proceed with the email 
    Call sSendReminder (rs_user("email"), rs_user("password")) 
    Response.Write "Your password has been sent to your inbox. If you don't find it in your mail box, check your junk mail folder" 
    'Not a valid record 
    Response.Write "Sorry, no email was found." 
    End If 
End If 
Sub sSendReminder(email, password) 

    dim sName, sEmail, sMessage 
    dim oCdoMail, oCdoConf, sConfURL 


    sEmail = Request.Form("email") 


     Set oCdoMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
     Set oCdoConf = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 

     sConfURL = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" 



     with oCdoConf 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "sendusing") = 2 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "smtpserver") = "smptserveraddress.com" 
      .Fields.Item(sConfURL & "smtpserverport") = 25 


     end with 

     with oCdoMail 
      .From = "[email protected]" 
      .To = sEmail 
      .Subject = "Password Recovery from samplesite" 
      .TextBody = "Your password is: " & password 
      .HTMLBody = "Your password is: " & password 
      .Configuration = oCdoConf 
     end with 

     Set oCdoConf = Nothing 
     Set oCdoMail = Nothing 
End Sub %>


感謝人,它的工作。耶穌祝福你超出你最瘋狂的想象 – blay 2014-09-27 08:49:15