編輯2 - 爲什麼是默認的範圍Ext.grid.Panel
這裏有一個從加工渲染功能剪斷。該方法是私有的,因此不在API中列出。無論如何,這裏是source link。請注意,呈現器將使用給定範圍或所有者容器的作用域進行調用。視圖的所有者是其嵌套到的面板。
* @private
* Emits the HTML representing a single grid cell into the passed output stream (which is an array of strings).
* @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The column definition for which to render a cell.
* @param {Number} recordIndex The row index (zero based within the {@link #store}) for which to render the cell.
* @param {Number} columnIndex The column index (zero based) for which to render the cell.
* @param {String[]} out The output stream into which the HTML strings are appended.
renderCell: function(column, record, recordIndex, columnIndex, out) {
//... more code
if (column.renderer && column.renderer.call) {
value = column.renderer.call(column.scope || me.ownerCt, fieldValue, cellValues, record, recordIndex, columnIndex, me.dataSource, me);
if (cellValues.css) {
// This warning attribute is used by the compat layer
// TODO: remove when compat layer becomes deprecated
record.cssWarning = true;
cellValues.tdCls += ' ' + cellValues.css;
delete cellValues.css;
// ... more code
2013-07-08 19:50:00
'this'設置爲該函數內的渲染器函數,在列定義中使用'scope'爲渲染器定義'this'。 – kevhender
保存幾個字符的另一個技巧 - 您的返回語句可以是'返回值|| ''' – kevhender