我試圖獲得一個連續的行編號,但無論我嘗試不工作。這裏是我的查詢SQL Server 2000行編號
l.seq, l.mn_no as mn_no, l.sb_no as sb_no,
l.dp_no as dp_no,
sum(costprice) as amt
dbo.mac_pur_tempdetail d
inner join
dbo.mac_pur_tempheader h on d.header_id = h.header_id
and h.ref = 'SAH1FIHC'
inner join
dbo.mac_actlocmap l on l.loc_main = d.loc_id
and l.description = 'PUR'
group by
l.seq, l.mn_no, l.sb_no, l.dp_no
1 4110 30 0000 17.5000
4 4110 20 0000 3.6000
6 4110 40 0000 6.0000
7 4110 10 0000 1.8000
14 4110 25 0000 3.6000
15 4110 50 0000 1.8000
(select count(seq)
from dbo.mac_actlocmap s
where s.seq <= a.seq and a.mn_no = s.mn_no) as new_seq,
l.seq, l.mn_no as mn_no,
l.sb_no as sb_no, l.dp_no as dp_no,
sum(costprice) as amt
dbo.mac_pur_tempdetail d
inner join
dbo.mac_pur_tempheader h on d.header_id = h.header_id
and h.ref = 'SAH1FIHC'
inner join
dbo.mac_actlocmap l on l.loc_main = d.loc_id
and l.description = 'PUR'
group by
l.seq, l.mn_no, l.sb_no, l.dp_no) a
1 1 4110 30 0000 17.5000
2 4 4110 20 0000 3.6000
3 6 4110 40 0000 6.0000
4 7 4110 10 0000 1.8000
7 14 4110 25 0000 3.6000
8 15 4110 50 0000 1.8000
您是否嘗試過使用ROW_NUMBER()?我不確定它是否適用於SQL Server 2000 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms186734.aspx – 2011-04-17 20:14:48
您的計數正在計算dbo.mac_actlocmap中的* unaggregated *和* unfiltered *行。但是你正在比較一個帶有聚合和過濾器的子查詢*。 – gbn 2011-04-17 20:15:53
@SeanA:ROW_NUMBER()在SQL Server ** 2005中引入** ** – 2011-04-17 20:21:33