對於我的項目,我必須使用霍夫曼算法壓縮文件。我想出了大部分部分,但是我很難處理其他ASCII字符,如換行符,製表符等。這是我迄今爲止所做的,但是在處理文件時我無法獲得其他字符創建。如何在創建霍夫曼代碼時處理'/ n','/ t'和類似的ASCII密鑰
import operator
def getFreq(mylst):
dct = {'a':0,'b':0,'c':0,'d':0,'e':0,'f':0,'g':0,'h':0,'i':0,'j':0,'k':0,'l':0,
'm':0,'n':0,'o':0,'p':0,'q':0,'r':0,'s':0,'t':0,'u':0,'v':0,'w':0,'x':0,'y':0,'z':0,' ':0,
'1':0,'2':0,'3':0,'4':0,'5':0,'6':0,'7':0,'8':0,'9':0,'0':0, '-':0,'(':0, ')':0}
for k, v in dct.items():
for i in mylst:
if i == k:
dct[k] += 1
up_dct = sorted(dct.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
srt_dct = dict((k, v) for k, v in up_dct)
return srt_dct
def assign_code(nodes, label, result, prefix = ''):
childs = nodes[label]
tree = {}
if len(childs) == 2:
tree['0'] = assign_code(nodes, childs[0], result, prefix+'0')
tree['1'] = assign_code(nodes, childs[1], result, prefix+'1')
return tree
result[label] = prefix
return label
def Huffman_code(_vals):
vals = _vals.copy()
nodes = {}
for n in vals.keys(): # leafs initialization
nodes[n] = []
while len(vals) > 1: # binary tree creation
s_vals = sorted(vals.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
a1 = s_vals[0][0]
a2 = s_vals[1][0]
vals[a1+a2] = vals.pop(a1) + vals.pop(a2)
nodes[a1+a2] = [a1, a2]
code = {}
root = a1+a2
tree = {}
tree = assign_code(nodes, root, code) # assignment of the code for the given binary tree
return code, tree
r_file = open('test.txt', 'r')
ro = r_file.read()
lst = list(ro)
freq = getFreq(lst)
code, tree = Huffman_code(freq)
encoded = ''.join([code[t] for t in ro])
print('Encoded text:',encoded)
w_file = open('encrypt.txt','wt')
d_file = open('encrypt.txt', 'r')
dec_ode = d_file.read()
decoded = []
i = 0
while i < len(dec_ode): # decoding using the binary graph
ch = dec_ode[i]
act = tree[ch]
while not isinstance(act, str):
i += 1
ch = dec_ode[i]
act = act[ch]
i += 1
test2_file = open('decode.txt', 'wt')
print('Decoded text:',''.join(decoded))
難道你不應該編碼字節序列,而不是字符序列? –
第一步是確定你的斜線的方向。它是'\ n','\ t'等,帶有反斜槓,而不是正斜槓。 – user2357112
此外,如果你編碼字節,你會擺脫那個怪異的字典初始化。你會用'dct = [0] * 256'這樣的東西。數組索引將是字節值。 –