2015-05-15 124 views


import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*; 

public class HuffMain { 
    public static PriorityQueue<Node> q; 
    public static HashMap<Character, String> charToCode; 
    public static HashMap<String, Character> codeToChar; 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { 
     // Read all the contents of the file 
     String text = new Scanner(new File("text.txt")).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); 
     // Count the frequency of all the characters 
     HashMap<Character, Integer> dict = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { 
      char a = text.charAt(i); 
       dict.put(a, dict.get(a)+1); 
       dict.put(a, 1); 

     // Create a forest (group of trees) by adding all the nodes to a priority queue 
     q = new PriorityQueue<Node>(100, new FrequencyComparator()); 
     int n = 0; 
     for(Character c : dict.keySet()) { 
      q.add(new Node(c, dict.get(c))); 
     Node root = huffmain(n); 

     String compressed = compress(text); 

     String decompressed = decompress(compressed); 

    // This method builds the tree based on the frequency of every characters 
    public static Node huffmain(int n) { 
     Node x, y; 
     for(int i = 1; i <= n-1; i++) { 
      Node z = new Node(); 
      z.left = x = q.poll(); 
      z.right = y = q.poll(); 
      z.freq = x.freq + y.freq; 
     return q.poll(); 

    // This method builds the table for the compression and decompression 
    public static void buildTable(Node root) { 
     charToCode = new HashMap<Character, String>(); 
     codeToChar = new HashMap<String, Character>(); 
     postorder(root, new String()); 

    // This method is used to traverse from ROOT-to-LEAVES 
    public static void postorder(Node n, String s) { 
     if(n == null) 
     postorder(n.left, s+"0"); 
     postorder(n.right, s+"1"); 

     // Visit only nodes with keys 
     if (!Character.toString(n.alpha).equals("&#092;&#048;")){ 
      System.out.println("{" + n.alpha + ":" + s + "}"); 
      charToCode.put(n.alpha, s); 
      codeToChar.put(s, n.alpha); 

    //assuming tree and dictionary are already built... 
    public static String compress(String s) { 
     String c = new String(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) 
      c = c + charToCode.get(s.charAt(i)); 
     return c; 

    //assuming tree and dictionary are already built... 
    public static String decompress(String s) { 
     String temp = new String(); 
     String result = new String(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { 
      temp = temp + s.charAt(i); 
      if(codeToChar.containsKey(temp)) { 
       result = result + codeToChar.get(temp); 
       temp = new String(); 
     return result; 
    public static void saveToFile(String l) throws FileNotFoundException { 
     PrintWriter oFile = new PrintWriter("text.txt.huf"); 
     for(char s : charToCode.keySet()) 
      oFile.println("{" +s + ":" + charToCode.get(s)+ "}"); 

    public static void writeToFile(String i) throws FileNotFoundException { 
     PrintWriter iFile = new PrintWriter("note.txt"); 
     for (String s : codeToChar.keySet()) 
      iFile.println("{" +s + ":" + codeToChar.get(s)+ "}"); 
//Creating a Node Class  
class Node { 
    public char alpha; 
    public int freq; 
    public Node left, right; 

    public Node(char a, int f) { 
     alpha = a; 
     freq = f; 
    public Node() { 
    public String toString() { 
     return alpha + " " + freq; 
class FrequencyComparator implements Comparator<Node> { 
    public int compare(Node a, Node b) { 
     int freqA = a.freq; 
     int freqB = b.freq; 
     return freqA-freqB; 




問題是你在codeToCharCharacter 0值存儲用於不可用的碼,然後codeToChar.containsKey(temp)條件在decompress方法返回true那些代碼。

如果您將&& codeToChar.get(temp)!=0添加到條件,它將正常工作。


public static String decompress(String s) { 
    String temp = new String(); 
    String result = new String(); 
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { 
     temp = temp + s.charAt(i); 
     Character c = codeToChar.get(temp); 
     if(c!=null && c!=0) { 
      result = result + c; 
      temp = ""; 
    return result; 

測試用文字 「Lorem存有」 壓縮爲 「1010111011111011000101101100011110000」 和解壓縮回罰款。