在此代碼段中我的IDE (IDEA Intellij社區)建議將方法引用轉換爲函數接口。爲什麼方法引用需要對函數接口進行類型轉換?
public class MethodReferences {
public static void main(String[] strings) {
Function<String, Integer> f = Integer::parseInt;
Predicate<Person> personPredicate = p->convert(p.getAge(),Integer::parseInt) >10;
//This is fine
System.out.println(convert("123", f));
//This is fine
System.out.println(convert("123", (Function<String, Integer>) Integer::parseInt));
//This is NOT
System.out.println(convert("123", Integer::parseInt)); //x1
private static <T, S> T convert(S s, Function<S, T> stFunction) {
return stFunction.apply(s);
Error:(20, 19) java: reference to println is ambiguous
both method println(char[]) in java.io.PrintStream and method println(java.lang.String) in java.io.PrintStream match
Error:(20, 35) java: incompatible types: inferred type does not conform to upper bound(s)
inferred: java.lang.Integer
upper bound(s): char[],java.lang.Object
我認爲它與'Integer :: parseInt'有關係,它返回的是一個'int'而不是'Integer' – Aaron
我無法用JDK 1.8.0_51重現這一點。我的代碼編譯並提供輸出。你使用的是什麼版本的JDK? – SMA
@SMA代碼不可編譯... – Adelin