我發現這一點,它一定會幫助你的。 語法是這樣的。
.thing_you_want_to_filter {
these are all default values, note that hue-rotate and blur have units.
You'll also need to include the vendor prefixes.
filter: grayscale(0);
filter: sepia(0);
filter: saturate(1);
filter: hue-rotate(0deg);
filter: invert(0);
filter: opacity(1);
filter: brightness(0);
filter: contrast(1);
filter: blur(0px);
/* Drop shadow has the same syntax as box-shadow – see below for why it's amazing! */
filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 10px #ccc);
Chrome 18.0+和Safari 6+是唯一支持此功能的瀏覽器。 對於Safari瀏覽器下6版本,它會是這樣:
-webkit-filter:contrast(100%); /* play with the percentages */
http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/say-hello-to-css3-filters/ http://css3.bradshawenterprises.com/filters/
尼斯。怎麼沒有Firefox插件來調整圖像的顯示!? - 使用canvas不會很難,看起來也可以使用CSS。 – NoBugs