2011-04-24 55 views

作爲一個練習,我一直試圖在python中構建一個非GUI boggle類型的遊戲。到目前爲止,用戶可以輸入棋盤大小(4x4,5x5等)。出現字母'數組',然後用戶可以鍵入他們認爲是有效選項的單詞。如何遞歸檢查一個在boggle類型遊戲中的答案



def isAdjacent(word, wordLetter, possibleStarts, arrayDict, currWord, start): 

    #'word' is the word entered. 'wordLetter' is the current letter being looked for. 
    #'possibleStarts' is a list of tuples of the possible starting locations and subsequent positions of each found letter. 
    #'arrayDict' is a dictionary associating each position ((0,1), etc) with a game letter. 
    #'currWord' is used to check whether or not a word has been found. 
    #'start' is the tuple in possibleStarts that should be used. 

    if currWord == word: 
    return 1 
    x = possibleStarts[start][0] 
    y = possibleStarts[start][1] 
    arrayDict[x,y] = 0 
    optionsList = [(x - 1, y - 1), (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1)] 
    newStarts = [] 
    count = 0 
    count2 = 0 
    for option in optionsList: 
    count += 1 
    if option in arrayDict: 
     if arrayDict[option] == word[wordLetter]: 
     if count2 < 1: 
      currWord += word[wordLetter] 
      arrayDict[option] = 0 
      count2 += 1 
    if count == 8 and newStarts:               
     return isAdjacent(word, wordLetter + 1, newStarts, arrayDict, currWord, start)  
    if currWord != word: 
     if wordLetter > 2: 
     return isAdjacent(word, wordLetter - 1, possibleStarts, arrayDict, currWord[:-1], start - 1) 
     return isAdjacent(word, wordLetter, possibleStarts, arrayDict, currWord, start - 1) 


W T S V 
A X A H 
S R T S 
A B A W 

我確信,這可以用一個比較簡單的遞歸函數來完成,但幾個小時後,我搞不清楚了。 哦,我寧願不預先生成所有可能的單詞。這樣做的目的是使用遞歸來查找輸入的單詞。



不合格'except'應該*真的*命名一個特定的異常類型。很難調試那樣的代碼。 – 2011-04-24 20:27:16


作爲一個練習,這應該很有趣,但要注意棧的大小相當大,但有限,所以你可以得到一個_stack overflow_(這在某種程度上適用於此)。 – extraneon 2011-04-24 20:27:55


是的,'嘗試:...除了:通過'是撒旦的產卵(或上帝,取決於你更糟糕的是:p) – ThiefMaster 2011-04-24 20:28:25




  • 將代碼分解成更小的塊 - 一個函數來統治它們並不會帶你太遠。
  • 在進行遞歸時,首先找到基本案例,即。什麼時候功能不是遞歸。
  • 讓每個子功能只知道它需要知道什麼。


def paths(grid, x, y, l): 
    """Returns a list of positions that the required letter is at""" 

    positions = [(x - 1, y - 1), (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1)] 
    return [p for p in positions if p in grid and grid[p] == l] 

def matchWord(grid, pos, word): 
    """Returns true if the word was found in the grid starting from pos""" 
    if word == "" : return True 
    pos_paths = paths(grid, pos[0], pos[1], word[0]) 
    if pos_paths == [] : return False 

    return any(matchWord(grid, the_pos, word[1:]) for the_pos in pos_paths) 

def wordInGrid(grid, word): 
    """returns true if the word is in the grid""" 
    return any(matchWord(grid, key, word[1:]) for (key, val) in dict.iteritems(grid) if val == word[0]) 

gr_dict = {(0, 1): 'T', (1, 2): 'A', (3, 2): 'A', (0, 0): 'W', (3, 3): 'W', (3, 0): 'A', (3, 1): 'B', (2, 1): 'R', (0, 2): 'S', (2, 0): 'S', (1, 3): 'H', (2, 3): 'S', (2, 2): 'T', (1, 0): 'A', (0, 3): 'V', (1, 1): 'X'} 

print wordInGrid(gr_dict, "RATS") 
print wordInGrid(gr_dict, "WASABATAS")