def solve_with(self, ind, inds_passed, word):
word += self.table[ind[0]][ind[1]] # Add next character
if self.trie.is_prefix(word): # Is current string prefix of valid word
if len(word) > 2 and self.trie.is_word(word): # Is current string whole word
inds_passed.add(ind) # Set this position as visited
for n in self.neigbours(ind): # Pass through all neighbours
if n not in inds_passed: # If not visited already
self.solve_with(n, inds_passed, word) # Recursive call
inds_passed.discard(ind) # Remove position as visited
def solve(self):
self.ret = set() # Set of all word found on table
for x in xrange(0, self.dim): # Start search with each position
for y in xrange(0, self.dim):
self.solve_with((x,y), set(), '')
return self.ret
char[][] gameBoard = new char[4][4];
List<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();
//fill in the game board with characters
//Start the word search at each letter
for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++){
recursiveWordSearch(x, y, "");
recursiveWordSearch(int x, int y, String word){
//Concatenate gameBoard[x][y] to word.
//Check to see if word is a valid word (check against your word list).
//If word, add to wordList
/*Check word list to see if any words contain current prefix. If not,
then there's no point in continuing further (return). IE if AQZ isn't the
start of any word at all in the list, no reason to keep adding letters, it's
never going to make a word. */
//Otherwise recursively call this method moving left/right/up/down
recursiveWordSearch(x+1, y, word); //move right
recursiveWordSearch(x, y+1, word); //move up
recursiveWordSearch(x-1, y, word); //move left
recursiveWordSearch(x, y-1, word); //move down
/*You'll want to make sure that x-1, x+1, y-1 and y+1 are valid values before
sending them. */
- 1. 如何生成遊戲板,如boggle
- 2. 如何遞歸檢查一個在boggle類型遊戲中的答案
- 3. 單詞搜索遊戲問題
- 4. 遞歸詞搜索算法
- 5. 遞歸二進制搜索
- 6. 二進制遞歸搜索
- 7. 查找單詞遊戲中的單詞
- 8. 遞歸猜測遊戲
- 9. 如何執行遞歸搜索?
- 10. 遞歸在BST中搜索
- 11. 在樹中遞歸搜索
- 12. 遞歸二進制搜索在C++
- 13. 遞歸搜索
- 14. 如何查找遞歸二進制搜索的運行時間?
- 15. 如何通過自引用子主題進行遞歸搜索?
- 16. 通過樹進行遞歸搜索而不通過對象
- 17. 不能證明有在我的列表中的詞對我的單詞搜索遊戲
- 18. 使用Ruby在散列數組中進行遞歸(或普通搜索)搜索
- 19. 在遊戲中搜索算法?
- 20. 如何以遞歸方式搜索整個項目/文件夾中的單詞?
- 21. 如何在Textview中搜索單詞?
- 22. 如何在網頁中搜索單詞
- 23. 將搜索詞傳遞給Drupal Solr中的模板搜索
- 24. python中的遞歸遊戲問題
- 25. 遞歸多人遊戲中的產量
- 26. 遞歸在遊戲框架2.5.X
- 27. 如何搜索字符串中的單詞,該單詞是以不同組合的數組進行搜索的?
- 28. 遞歸搜索在JSON或JavaScript對象
- 29. 在對象遞歸搜索屬性
- 30. 帆布字搜索遊戲
Regular Boggle or Super Boggle? – djangofan
經常打遊戲哈哈我甚至不知道有一個超級麻雀 – user3530879