2015-03-31 91 views


mycanv.addEventListener("click", function(e) { 
    var output = document.getElementByID("output"); 
    ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'; 

    if (hitpaint) { 
     output.innerHTML = "hit"; 
    } else { 
     output.innerHTML = "miss"; 
}, false); 


function hitpaint(mouse_event) { 
    var bounding_box = mycanv.getBoundingClientRect(); 
    var mousex = (mouse_event.clientX - bounding_box.left) * 
    var mousey = (mouse_event.clientY - bounding_box.top) * 
    var pixels = ctx.getImageData(mousex, mousey, 1, 1); 

    for (var i = 3; i < pixels.data.length; i += 4) { 
     // If we find a non-zero alpha we can just stop and return                                            
     // "true" - the click was on a part of the canvas that's                                            
     // got colour on it.                                                     
     if (pixels.data[i] !== 0) return true; 

    // The function will only get here if none of the pixels matched in                                         
    return false; 


function start() { 
    // main game function, called on page load                                                
    setInterval(function() { 
     ctx.clearRect(cat_x, cat_y, 100, 100); 
     cat_x = Math.random() * mycanv.width - 20; 
     cat_y = Math.random() * mycanv.height - 20; 
     draw_katy(cat_x, cat_y); 
    }, 1000); 

這裏'如果(hitpaint)'你不叫'hitpaint'只是檢查其是否存在,所以它總是_true_ – Grundy 2015-03-31 10:42:43


的行爲像什麼? – 2015-03-31 10:42:47


@SergiuParaschiv爲什麼它忽略了Listener。 – b10n1k 2015-03-31 10:51:00




  • 作爲Grundy在評論中指出,hitpaint從未被稱爲;現在它檢查它是否存在,並且總是返回true
  • 鼠標座標風險以小數值結尾,getImageData不適用
  • 縮放鼠標座標通常不是必需的。帆布最好應該有一個固定的大小而無需額外的CSS大小
  • 添加邊界檢查X/Y,以確保他們在裏面帆布位


mycanv.addEventListener("click", function(e) { 
    var output = document.getElementByID("output"); 
    ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'; 

    if (hitpaint(e)) { // here, call hitpaint() 
     output.innerHTML = "hit"; 
    } else { 
     output.innerHTML = "miss"; 
}, false); 


function hitpaint(mouse_event) { 

    var bounding_box = mycanv.getBoundingClientRect(); 

    var x = ((mouse_event.clientX - bounding_box.left) * 
    (mycanv.width/bounding_box.width))|0; // |0 cuts off any fraction 
    var y = ((mouse_event.clientY - bounding_box.top) * 

    if (x >= 0 && x < mycanv.width && y >= 0 && y < mycanv.height) { 
     // as we only have one pixel, we can address alpha channel directly 
     return ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data[3] !== 0; 
    else return false; // x/y out of range 

我不能編輯hitpaint。不過,我改變了EventListener,但它仍然不起作用。關於第二條和第三條評論,我無法確定哪裏與我的問題有關 – b10n1k 2015-03-31 12:42:03