有沒有人有一個很好的解決方案,在AS3中創建一個基於BitmapData的滾動條,可以在向左和向右滾動的同時環繞圖像(並且還支持任意速度,而不是每個循環一個像素)?我試圖編寫一個快速輕量級的滾動條,它只能使用BitmapData.copyPixels()和BitmapData.scroll()。AS3 Wrapped-around BitmapData Scrolling?
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
[SWF(width="800", height="480", frameRate="60", backgroundColor="#000000")]
public class Main extends Sprite
private var _source:BitmapData;
private var _sourceWidth:int;
private var _buffer:BitmapData;
private var _canvas:BitmapData;
private var _rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
private var _point:Point = new Point();
private var _xOffset:int = 0;
public function Main()
_source = new Picture();
_sourceWidth = _source.width;
_rect.width = _source.width;
_rect.height = _source.height;
_canvas = new BitmapData(_source.width, _source.height, false, 0x000000);
_canvas.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
_buffer = _canvas.clone();
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_canvas);
b.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - _canvas.width/2;
b.y = 10;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, function(e:KeyboardEvent):void
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT) scroll(10);
else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT) scroll(-10);
private function scroll(speed:int):void
/* Update offset. */
_xOffset -= speed;
/* Reset rect & point. */
_rect.width = _sourceWidth;
_rect.x = 0;
_point.x = 0;
/* Reached the end of the source image width. Copy full source onto buffer. */
if (_xOffset == (speed > -1 ? -(_sourceWidth + speed) : _sourceWidth - speed))
_xOffset = -speed;
_buffer.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
/* Scroll the buffer by <speed> pixels. */
_buffer.scroll(-speed, 0);
/* Draw the scroll buffer onto the canvas. */
_canvas.copyPixels(_buffer, _rect, _point);
/* Update rect and point for copying scroll-in part. */
_rect.width = Math.abs(_xOffset);
/* Scrolls to left. */
if (speed > -1)
_rect.x = 0;
_point.x = _sourceWidth + _xOffset;
/* Scrolls to right. */
_rect.x = _sourceWidth - _xOffset;
_point.x = 0;
trace("rect.x: " + _rect.x + " point.x: " + _point.x);
/* Copy the scrolling-in part from source to the canvas. */
_canvas.copyPixels(_source, _rect, _point);
/* Update rect and point for copying scroll-in part. */
_rect.width = Math.abs(_xOffset);
/* Scrolls to left. */
if (speed > -1)
_rect.x = 0;
_point.x = _sourceWidth + _xOffset;
/* Scrolls to right. */
_rect.x = _sourceWidth - _xOffset;
_point.x = 0;
@Amy Blankenship這是一個類似的問題,但在那裏發佈的解決方案不考慮任意方向的滾動。代碼只能滾動到左側,但不能到右側。 – BadmintonCat 2013-02-24 05:27:52
哇!這是什麼樣的評論!如果我的問題讓你惱火,就忽略它,你似乎也不知道答案! – BadmintonCat 2013-02-24 18:42:22
我的不好。我認爲這個問題的答案已經與[博客文章](http://flexdiary.blogspot.com/2012/06/endless-scrolling-bathroom.html)聯繫在一起,我在其中提供了一張關於如何思考這個問題。查看博客文章,看看它是否有幫助。編輯:其實博客文章被鏈接到評論中,但如果你沒有擴展它們,你可能會錯過它。 – 2013-02-24 23:32:32