2014-08-29 60 views

我有jssor滑塊的問題。它只顯示我第一張照片。我認爲問題出現在響應式代碼中。 我想製作全寬和全高滑塊,也完全響應。在較小的設備上打開時,會切斷照片。請幫忙。jssor滑塊轉換不工作


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 
    <title>Slider with Slideshow Example - Jssor Slider, Slideshow with Javascript Source Code</title> 
<body style="background:#fff;"> 
    <!-- it works the same with all jquery version from 1.x to 2.x --> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 
    <!-- use jssor.slider.mini.js (39KB) or jssor.sliderc.mini.js (31KB, with caption, no slideshow) or jssor.sliders.mini.js (26KB, no caption, no slideshow) instead for release --> 
    <!-- jssor.slider.mini.js = jssor.sliderc.mini.js = jssor.sliders.mini.js = (jssor.core.js + jssor.utils.js + jssor.slider.js) --> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.core.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.utils.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.slider.js"></script> 
     jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 
      //Reference http://www.jssor.com/development/slider-with-slideshow-jquery.html 
      //Reference http://www.jssor.com/development/tool-slideshow-transition-viewer.html 

      var _SlideshowTransitions = [ 

      var options = { 
       $SlideDuration: 800,        //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500 
       $DragOrientation: 3,        //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0) 
       $AutoPlay: true,         //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false 
       $AutoPlayInterval: 1500,       //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000 
       $SlideshowOptions: {        //[Optional] Options to specify and enable slideshow or not 
        $Class: $JssorSlideshowRunner$,     //[Required] Class to create instance of slideshow 
        $Transitions: _SlideshowTransitions,   //[Required] An array of slideshow transitions to play slideshow 
        $TransitionsOrder: 1,       //[Optional] The way to choose transition to play slide, 1 Sequence, 0 Random 
        $ShowLink: true         //[Optional] Whether to bring slide link on top of the slider when slideshow is running, default value is false 

      var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options); 


     //responsive code begin 
    //you can remove responsive code if you don't want the slider scales while window resizes 
    function ScaleSlider() { 
     var windowWidth = $(window).width(); 

     if (windowWidth) { 
      var windowHeight = $(window).height(); 
      var originalWidth = jssor_slider1.$OriginalWidth(); 
      var originalHeight = jssor_slider1.$OriginalHeight(); 

      var scaleWidth = windowWidth; 
      if (originalWidth/windowWidth > originalHeight/windowHeight) { 
       scaleWidth = Math.ceil(windowHeight/originalHeight * originalWidth); 

      window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 30); 


    $(window).bind("load", ScaleSlider); 
    $(window).bind("resize", ScaleSlider); 
    $(window).bind("orientationchange", ScaleSlider); 
    //responsive code end 


    <!-- Jssor Slider Begin --> 
    <!-- You can move inline styles to css file or css block. --> 

    <!-- ORIGINAL SLIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
    <div id="slider1_container" style="position: relative; width: 600px; 
     height: 300px;"> END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --> 

     <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"> 
    <div style="position: relative; left: 50%; width: 5000px; text-align: center; margin-left: -2500px;"> 

     <!-- use 'margin: 0 auto;' to auto center element in parent container --> 
     <div id="slider1_container" style="margin: 0 auto;" > 


     <!-- Loading Screen --> 
     <div u="loading" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> 
      <div style="filter: alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; position: absolute; display: block; 
       background-color: #000; top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 
      <div style="position: absolute; display: block; background: url(../img/loading.gif) no-repeat center center; 
       top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 

     <!-- Slides Container --> 
     <div u="slides" style="cursor: move; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; height: 100%; 
      overflow: hidden;"> 
       <img u=image src="../img/landscape/01.png" /> 
       <img u=image src="../img/landscape/02.png" /> 
       <img u=image src="../img/landscape/03.jpg" /> 
       <img u=image src="../img/landscape/04.jpg" /> 
     <a style="display: none" href="http://www.jssor.com">jquery content slider</a> 




<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 
    <title>Slider with Slideshow Example - Jssor Slider, Slideshow with Javascript Source Code</title> 
<body style="background:#fff; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden;"> 
    <!-- it works the same with all jquery version from 1.x to 2.x --> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 
    <!-- use jssor.slider.mini.js (39KB) or jssor.sliderc.mini.js (31KB, with caption, no slideshow) or jssor.sliders.mini.js (26KB, no caption, no slideshow) instead for release --> 
    <!-- jssor.slider.mini.js = jssor.sliderc.mini.js = jssor.sliders.mini.js = (jssor.core.js + jssor.utils.js + jssor.slider.js) --> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.core.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.utils.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jssor.slider.js"></script> 
     jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 
      //Reference http://www.jssor.com/development/slider-with-slideshow-jquery.html 
      //Reference http://www.jssor.com/development/tool-slideshow-transition-viewer.html 

      var _SlideshowTransitions = [ 
      { $Duration: 1200, x: 1, $Delay: 50, $Cols: 8, $Rows: 4, $Easing: { $Left: $JssorEasing$.$EaseInCubic, $Opacity: $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad }, $Opacity: 2 } 

      var options = { 
       $SlideDuration: 800,        //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500 
       $DragOrientation: 3,        //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0) 
       $AutoPlay: true,         //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false 
       $AutoPlayInterval: 1500,       //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000 
       $SlideshowOptions: {        //[Optional] Options to specify and enable slideshow or not 
        $Class: $JssorSlideshowRunner$,     //[Required] Class to create instance of slideshow 
        $Transitions: _SlideshowTransitions,   //[Required] An array of slideshow transitions to play slideshow 
        $TransitionsOrder: 1,       //[Optional] The way to choose transition to play slide, 1 Sequence, 0 Random 
        $ShowLink: true         //[Optional] Whether to bring slide link on top of the slider when slideshow is running, default value is false 

      var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options); 

      //responsive code begin 
      //you can remove responsive code if you don't want the slider scales while window resizes 
      function ScaleSlider() { 
       var windowWidth = $(window).width(); 

       if (windowWidth) { 
        var windowHeight = $(window).height(); 
        var originalWidth = jssor_slider1.$OriginalWidth(); 
        var originalHeight = jssor_slider1.$OriginalHeight(); 

        var scaleWidth = windowWidth; 
        if (originalWidth/windowWidth > originalHeight/windowHeight) { 
         scaleWidth = Math.ceil(windowHeight/originalHeight * originalWidth); 

        window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 30); 


      $(window).bind("load", ScaleSlider); 
      $(window).bind("resize", ScaleSlider); 
      $(window).bind("orientationchange", ScaleSlider); 
      //responsive code end 


    <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"> 
     <div style="position: relative; left: 50%; width: 5000px; text-align: center; margin-left: -2500px;"> 
      <!-- Jssor Slider Begin --> 
      <!-- You can move inline styles to css file or css block. --> 
      <div id="slider1_container" style="position: relative; margin: 0 auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 600px; height: 300px;"> 

       <!-- Loading Screen --> 
       <div u="loading" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> 
        <div style="filter: alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; position: absolute; display: block; 
       background-color: #000; top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 
        <div style="position: absolute; display: block; background: url(../img/loading.gif) no-repeat center center; 
       top: 0px; left: 0px;width: 100%;height:100%;"> 

       <!-- Slides Container --> 
       <div u="slides" style="cursor: move; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 600px; height: 300px; 
      overflow: hidden;"> 
         <img u=image src="../img/landscape/01.jpg" /> 
         <img u=image src="../img/landscape/02.jpg" /> 
         <img u=image src="../img/landscape/03.jpg" /> 
         <img u=image src="../img/landscape/04.jpg" /> 
       <a style="display: none" href="http://www.jssor.com">jquery content slider</a> 
