2017-06-09 66 views


def main(): 

    FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() 
    DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) 
    pygame.display.set_caption('Space CAT') 
    BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32) 

    # load the image files 
    MEL = pygame.image.load("cat.png") 
    MER = pygame.transform.flip(MEL, True, False) 

    L_SQUIR_IMG = pygame.image.load("foe1.png") 
    R_SQUIR_IMG = pygame.transform.flip(L_SQUIR_IMG, True, False) 

    L_SQUIR_IMG2 = pygame.image.load("spacemouse2.png") 
    R_SQUIR_IMG2 = pygame.transform.flip(L_SQUIR_IMG2, True, False) 

    for i in range(1, 5): 
     GRASSIMAGES.append(pygame.image.load("grass%s.png" % i)) 

    while True: 

def runGame(): 
    # set up variables for the start of a new game 
    invulnerableMode = False # if the player is invulnerable 
    invulnerableStartTime = 0 # time the player became invulnerable 
    gameOverMode = False  # if the player has lost 
    gameOverStartTime = 0  # time the player lost 
    winMode = False   # if the player has won 
    Level2 = False   # if Level 2 is reached  
    # create the surfaces to hold game text 
    gameOverSurf = BASICFONT.render('Game Over', True, WHITE) 
    gameOverRect = gameOverSurf.get_rect() 
    gameOverRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) 

    winSurf = BASICFONT.render('You have achieved ALPHA CAT!', True, WHITE) 
    winRect = winSurf.get_rect() 
    winRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) 

    winSurf2 = BASICFONT.render('(Press "r" to restart.)', True, WHITE) 
    winRect2 = winSurf2.get_rect() 
    winRect2.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT + 30) 

    winSurf3 = BASICFONT.render('You have reached Level 2', True, WHITE) 
    winRect3 = winSurf3.get_rect() 
    winRect3.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) 

    # camerax and cameray are the top left of where the camera view is 
    camerax = 0 
    cameray = 0 

    grassObjs = [] # stores all the star objects in the game 
    squirrelObjs = [] # stores all the non-player fish objects 
    squirrelObjs2 = [] #stores all the non-player mouse objects 
    # stores the player object: 
    playerObj = {'surface': pygame.transform.scale(MEL, (STARTSIZE, STARTSIZE)), 
       'facing': LEFT, 
       'size': STARTSIZE, 
       'x': HALF_WINWIDTH, 
       'y': HALF_WINHEIGHT, 
       'health': MAXHEALTH} 

    # show the player's score 
    winSurf4 = BASICFONT.render(str(playerObj['size']), True, RED) 
    winRect4 = winSurf4.get_rect() 
    winRect4.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH + 680, HALF_WINHEIGHT - 420) 

    moveLeft = False 
    moveRight = False 
    moveUp = False 
    moveDown = False 

    # start off with some random grass images on the screen 
    for i in range(7): 
     grassObjs.append(makeNewGrass(camerax, cameray)) 
     grassObjs[i]['x'] = random.randint(0, WINWIDTH) 
     grassObjs[i]['y'] = random.randint(0, WINHEIGHT) 

    while True: # main game loop 
     # Check if we should turn off invulnerability 
     if invulnerableMode and time.time() - invulnerableStartTime > INVULNTIME: 
      invulnerableMode = False 

     #### move all the fish 
     for sObj in squirrelObjs: 
      # move the fish, and adjust for their bounce 
      sObj['x'] += sObj['movex'] 
      sObj['y'] += sObj['movey'] 
      sObj['bounce'] += 0 
      if sObj['bounce'] > sObj['bouncerate']: 
       sObj['bounce'] = 0 # reset bounce amount 

      # random chance they change direction 
      if random.randint(0, 99) < DIRCHANGEFREQ: 
       sObj['movex'] = getRandomVelocity() 
       sObj['movey'] = getRandomVelocity() 
       if sObj['movex'] > 0: # faces right 
        sObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(R_SQUIR_IMG, (sObj['width'], sObj['height'])) 
       else: # faces left 
        sObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(L_SQUIR_IMG, (sObj['width'], sObj['height'])) 

     #### move all the mice 
     for sObj2 in squirrelObjs2: 
      # move the mice, and adjust for their bounce 
      sObj2['x'] += sObj2['movex'] 
      sObj2['y'] += sObj2['movey'] 
      sObj2['bounce'] += 0 
      if sObj2['bounce'] > sObj2['bouncerate']: 
       sObj2['bounce'] = 0 # reset bounce amount 

      # random chance they change direction 
      if random.randint(0, 99) < DIRCHANGEFREQ: 
       sObj2['movex'] = getRandomVelocity() 
       sObj2['movey'] = getRandomVelocity() 
       if sObj2['movex'] > 0: # faces right 
        sObj2['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(R_SQUIR_IMG2, (sObj2['width'], sObj2['height'])) 
       else: # faces left 
        sObj2['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(L_SQUIR_IMG2, (sObj2['width'], sObj2['height'])) 

     #### go through all the objects and see if any need to be deleted.(1) 
     for i in range(len(grassObjs) - 1, -1, -1): 
      if isOutsideActiveArea(camerax, cameray, grassObjs[i]): 
       del grassObjs[i] 
     for i in range(len(squirrelObjs) - 1, -1, -1): 
      if isOutsideActiveArea(camerax, cameray, squirrelObjs[i]): 
       del squirrelObjs[i] 

     #### go through all the objects and see if any need to be deleted.(2) 
     for i in range(len(squirrelObjs2) - 1, -1, -1): 
      if isOutsideActiveArea(camerax, cameray, squirrelObjs2[i]): 
       del squirrelObjs2[i] 

     #### add more stars & foes if we don't have enough. 
     while len(grassObjs) < NUMGRASS: 
      grassObjs.append(makeNewGrass(camerax, cameray)) 
     if Level2 == False: 
      while len(squirrelObjs) < NUMSQUIRRELS: 
       squirrelObjs.append(makeNewFish(camerax, cameray)) 
     #### Level 2 spawn mouse 
     if Level2 == True: 
      while len(squirrelObjs2) < NUMSQUIRRELS: 
       squirrelObjs2.append(makeNewMice(camerax, cameray)) 

     # adjust camerax and cameray if beyond the "camera slack" 
     playerCenterx = playerObj['x'] + int(playerObj['size']/2) 
     playerCentery = playerObj['y'] + int(playerObj['size']/2) 
     if (camerax + HALF_WINWIDTH) - playerCenterx > CAMERASLACK: 
      camerax = playerCenterx + CAMERASLACK - HALF_WINWIDTH 
     elif playerCenterx - (camerax + HALF_WINWIDTH) > CAMERASLACK: 
      camerax = playerCenterx - CAMERASLACK - HALF_WINWIDTH 
     if (cameray + HALF_WINHEIGHT) - playerCentery > CAMERASLACK: 
      cameray = playerCentery + CAMERASLACK - HALF_WINHEIGHT 
     elif playerCentery - (cameray + HALF_WINHEIGHT) > CAMERASLACK: 
      cameray = playerCentery - CAMERASLACK - HALF_WINHEIGHT 

     # draw the black background 

     # draw all the grass objects on the screen 
     for gObj in grassObjs: 
      gRect = pygame.Rect((gObj['x'] - camerax, 
            gObj['y'] - cameray, 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(GRASSIMAGES[gObj['grassImage']], gRect) 

     ### draw the fish 
     for sObj in squirrelObjs: 
      sObj['rect'] = pygame.Rect((sObj['x'] - camerax, 
             sObj['y'] - cameray - getBounceAmount(sObj['bounce'], sObj['bouncerate'], sObj['bounceheight']), 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(sObj['surface'], sObj['rect']) 

     ### draw the mice 
     for sObj2 in squirrelObjs2: 
      sObj2['rect'] = pygame.Rect((sObj2['x'] - camerax, 
             sObj2['y'] - cameray - getBounceAmount(sObj2['bounce'], sObj2['bouncerate'], sObj2['bounceheight']), 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(sObj2['surface'], sObj2['rect']) 

     ### draw the player 
     flashIsOn = round(time.time(), 1) * 10 % 2 == 1 
     if not gameOverMode and not (invulnerableMode and flashIsOn): 
      playerObj['rect'] = pygame.Rect((playerObj['x'] - camerax, 
               playerObj['y'] - cameray - getBounceAmount(playerObj['bounce'], BOUNCERATE, BOUNCEHEIGHT), 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(playerObj['surface'], playerObj['rect']) 

     ### draw the health meter 

     for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop 
      if event.type == QUIT: 

      elif event.type == KEYDOWN: 
       if event.key in (K_UP, K_w): 
        moveDown = False 
        moveUp = True 
       elif event.key in (K_DOWN, K_s): 
        moveUp = False 
        moveDown = True 
       elif event.key in (K_LEFT, K_a): 
        moveRight = False 
        moveLeft = True 
        if playerObj['facing'] != LEFT: # change player image 
         playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MEL, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 
        playerObj['facing'] = LEFT 
       elif event.key in (K_RIGHT, K_d): 
        moveLeft = False 
        moveRight = True 
        if playerObj['facing'] != RIGHT: # change player image 
         playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MER, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 
        playerObj['facing'] = RIGHT 
       elif winMode and event.key == K_r: 

      elif event.type == KEYUP: 
       # stop moving the player 
       if event.key in (K_LEFT, K_a): 
        moveLeft = False 
       elif event.key in (K_RIGHT, K_d): 
        moveRight = False 
       elif event.key in (K_UP, K_w): 
        moveUp = False 
       elif event.key in (K_DOWN, K_s): 
        moveDown = False 

       elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: 

     if not gameOverMode: 
      # actually move the player 
      if moveLeft: 
       playerObj['x'] -= MOVERATE 
      if moveRight: 
       playerObj['x'] += MOVERATE 
      if moveUp: 
       playerObj['y'] -= MOVERATE 
      if moveDown: 
       playerObj['y'] += MOVERATE 

      if (moveLeft or moveRight or moveUp or moveDown) or playerObj['bounce'] != 0: 
       playerObj['bounce'] += 0 

      if playerObj['bounce'] > BOUNCERATE: 
       playerObj['bounce'] = 0 # reset bounce amount 

      #### check if the player has collided with any fish 
      for i in range(len(squirrelObjs)-1, -1, -1): 
       sqObj = squirrelObjs[i] 
       if 'rect' in sqObj and playerObj['rect'].colliderect(sqObj['rect']): 
        # a player/fish collision has occurred 

        if sqObj['width'] * sqObj['height'] <= playerObj['size']**2: 
         # player is larger and eats the fish 
         playerObj['size'] += int((sqObj['width'] * sqObj['height'])**0.2) + 1 

         del squirrelObjs[i] 

         if playerObj['facing'] == LEFT: 
          playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MEL, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 
         if playerObj['facing'] == RIGHT: 
          playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MER, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 
         if playerObj['size'] > WINSIZE/2: 
          Level2 = True # Turn on Level 2 
         if playerObj['size'] > WINSIZE: 
          winMode = True # turn on "win mode" 

        elif not invulnerableMode: 
         # player is smaller and takes damage 
         invulnerableMode = True 
         invulnerableStartTime = time.time() 
         playerObj['health'] -= 1 
         if playerObj['health'] == 0: 
          gameOverMode = True # turn on "game over mode" 
          gameOverStartTime = time.time() 

      ### check if the player has collided with any mice 
      for i in range(len(squirrelObjs2)-1, -1, -1): 
       sqObj2 = squirrelObjs2[i] 
       if 'rect' in sqObj2 and playerObj['rect'].colliderect(sqObj2['rect']): 
        # a player/mouse collision has occurred 

        if sqObj2['width'] * sqObj2['height'] <= playerObj['size']**2: 
         # player is larger and eats the mouse 
         playerObj['size'] += int((sqObj2['width'] * sqObj2['height'])**0.2) + 1 
         del squirrelObjs2[i] 

         if playerObj['facing'] == LEFT: 
          playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MEL, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 
         if playerObj['facing'] == RIGHT: 
          playerObj['surface'] = pygame.transform.scale(MER, (playerObj['size'], playerObj['size'])) 

         if playerObj['size'] > WINSIZE/2: 
          Level2 = True # Turn on Level 2 
         if playerObj['size'] > WINSIZE: 
          winMode = True # turn on "win mode" 

        elif not invulnerableMode: 
         # player is smaller and takes damage 
         invulnerableMode = True 
         invulnerableStartTime = time.time() 
         playerObj['health'] -= 1 
         if playerObj['health'] == 0: 
          gameOverMode = True # turn on "game over mode" 
          gameOverStartTime = time.time() 
      # game is over, show "game over" text 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(gameOverSurf, gameOverRect) 
      if time.time() - gameOverStartTime > GAMEOVERTIME: 
       return # end the current game 

     # show the player's size 
     if not winMode: 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(winSurf4, winRect4) 

     # check if the player has reached level 2. 
     if Level2 and playerObj['size'] < WINSIZE/2+10: 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(winSurf3, winRect3) 

     # check if the player has won. 
     if winMode: 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(winSurf, winRect) 
      DISPLAYSURF.blit(winSurf2, winRect2) 


渲染事件循環中的文本? –




winSurf4 = BASICFONT.render(str(playerObj['size']), True, RED) 
winRect4 = winSurf4.get_rect() 
winRect4.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH + 680, HALF_WINHEIGHT - 420) 

你只在程序的開頭稱呼它,所以只顯示一次得分。 就在這個代碼移到你的主循環:

while True: 
    winSurf4 = BASICFONT.render(str(playerObj['size']), True, RED) 
    winRect4 = winSurf4.get_rect() 
    winRect4.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH + 680, HALF_WINHEIGHT - 420) 
