


delegate Action<T> Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r); 

    public void TestMethod() 
     IObject root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
        Apply(root, h => t => 
         foreach (IObject item in t.Children) 
       }, "Time "); 

    private static void Apply(IObject root, Func<Action<IObject>, Action<IObject>> g) 
     Continuation<IObject> action = c => thing => { g(c(c))(thing); }; 

     Action<IObject> target = action(action); 


delegate void Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r, T n); 

    public void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Apply(root, (c, thing) => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 
        c(c, item); 

    void Apply(IObject root, Continuation<IObject> f) 
     f(f, root); 

你讀過[這篇博客](https://blogs.msdn.com/ b/wesdyer /存檔/ 2007/02/02 /一onymous-recursion-in-c.aspx)並將你的解決方案與它進行比較? Curryfication似乎讓作者得到一個更簡單的解決方案。 – huitseeker


[Mildly related](http://stackoverflow.com/q/7659001/11410),可能會讓你感興趣(我從來沒有進一步)。 – Benjol


是的,我有。鏈接的解決方案很慢 –





void Main() 
    foreach(var t in typeof(test).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(test)))) 

private abstract class test 
    public abstract void TestMethod(); 

private class test1 : test 

    delegate Action<T> Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r); 

    //The fixed point operator, very slow also. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     IObject root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Apply(root, h => t => 
       foreach (IObject item in t.Children) 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    private static void Apply(IObject root, Func<Action<IObject>, Action<IObject>> g) 
     Continuation<IObject> action = c => thing => { g(c(c))(thing); }; 

     Action<IObject> target = action(action); 



private class test2 : test 

    delegate void Continuation<T>(Continuation<T> r, T n); 

    //Without curry, curring makes things go slow. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Apply(root, (c, thing) => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 
        c(c, item); 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    void Apply(IObject root, Continuation<IObject> f) 
     f(f, root); 


private class test3 : test 

    //Another common definition found on web, this is worse of then all. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Y<IObject, int>(f => thing => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 
       return 0; 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    public delegate TResult SelfApplicable<TResult>(SelfApplicable<TResult> r); 

    public static TResult U<TResult>(SelfApplicable<TResult> r) 
     return r(r); 

    public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Y<TArg1, TReturn>(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f) 
     return U<Func<TArg1, TReturn>>(r => arg1 => f(U(r))(arg1)); 


private class test4 : test 

    //Simpler definition, taken from this SO. 
    //This uses inherent compiler recursion, lets see if it speed things up. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Y<IObject, int>(f => thing => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 
       return 0; 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Y<TArg1, TReturn>(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f) 
     return f(n => Y(f)(n)); 


private class test5 : test 

    //Simple way to recurse, is also the fastest 
    //but then its no more an anonymous lambda. 
    //This defeats the game purpose. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Action<IObject> a = null; 
     a = thing => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 


private class test6 : test 

    //Reference test, direct method call 
    //There should be no way to get faster than this. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    public static void a(IObject thing) 
     foreach (var item in thing.Children) 


private class test7 : test 

    //Lets try some memoization. 
    public override void TestMethod() 
     var root = BuildComposite(); 

     Performance.Measure(1000000,() => 
      Y<IObject, int>.Combinator(f => thing => 
       foreach (var item in thing.Children) 
       return 0; 
     }, "Time " + this.GetType().Name); 

    private class Y<TArg1, TReturn> 
     public static Func<TArg1, TReturn> Combinator(Func<Func<TArg1, TReturn>, Func<TArg1, TReturn>> f) 
      return f(n => 
        if (memoized == null) memoized = Combinator(f); 
        return memoized(n); 
     private static Func<TArg1, TReturn> memoized; 


private interface IObject 
    List<IObject> Children { get; } 

private class CObject : IObject 
    private int lvl; 
    public CObject(int lvl) 
     this.lvl = lvl; 
    public List<IObject> Children 
      var l = new List<IObject>() { BuildComposite(lvl + 1) }; 
      if (lvl > 2) l.Clear(); 
      return l; 

private static IObject BuildComposite() 
    return new CObject(0); 

private static IObject BuildComposite(int lvl) 
    return new CObject(lvl); 

private class Performance 
    public static void Measure(int count, Action a, string msg) 
     using(new WallClock(msg)) 
      Enumerable.Range(1, count).ToList().ForEach(_ => a()); 

private class WallClock : IDisposable 
    private string name; 
    private Stopwatch w; 
    public WallClock(string name) 
     this.name = name; 
     w = Stopwatch.StartNew(); 
    public void Dispose() 
     Console.WriteLine(name + " : " + w.ElapsedMilliseconds); 



Alternative Y combinator definition




謝謝你,你讓我思考:-) –