public static void SsmmBatchJCublas(int m, int n, int k, float A[], float B[]){
// Create a CUBLAS handle
cublasHandle handle = new cublasHandle();
// Allocate memory on the device
Pointer d_A = new Pointer();
Pointer d_B = new Pointer();
Pointer d_C = new Pointer();
cudaMalloc(d_A, m*k * Sizeof.FLOAT);
cudaMalloc(d_B, n*k * Sizeof.FLOAT);
cudaMalloc(d_C, m*n * Sizeof.FLOAT);
float[] C = new float[m*n];
// Copy the memory from the host to the device
cublasSetVector(m*k, Sizeof.FLOAT, Pointer.to(A), 1, d_A, 1);
cublasSetVector(n*k, Sizeof.FLOAT, Pointer.to(B), 1, d_B, 1);
cublasSetVector(m*n, Sizeof.FLOAT, Pointer.to(C), 1, d_C, 1);
Pointer[] Aarray = new Pointer[]{d_A};
Pointer AarrayPtr = Pointer.to(Aarray);
Pointer[] Barray = new Pointer[]{d_B};
Pointer BarrayPtr = Pointer.to(Barray);
Pointer[] Carray = new Pointer[]{d_C};
Pointer CarrayPtr = Pointer.to(Carray);
// Execute sgemm
Pointer pAlpha = Pointer.to(new float[]{1});
Pointer pBeta = Pointer.to(new float[]{0});
cublasSgemmBatched(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, m, n, k, pAlpha, AarrayPtr, Aarray.length, BarrayPtr, Barray.length, pBeta, CarrayPtr, Carray.length, Aarray.length);
// Copy the result from the device to the host
cublasGetVector(m*n, Sizeof.FLOAT, d_C, 1, Pointer.to(C), 1);
// Clean up
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