set extensionToFind to "raw"
set topLevelFolder to (choose folder) as text
set pathCount to count of topLevelFolder
tell application "Finder"
-- get the files
set rawFiles to files of entire contents of folder topLevelFolder whose name extension is extensionToFind
if rawFiles is {} then return
-- setup the folder where the files will be moved
set rawFolder to ((container of folder topLevelFolder) as text) & "Photos_Raw:"
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of rawFolder
repeat with aFile in rawFiles
set aFileContainer to (container of aFile) as text
if topLevelFolder is equal to aFileContainer then
-- here the file is at the top level folder
set newPath to rawFolder
-- here we calculate the new path and make sure the folder structure is in place
set thisFile to aFile as text
set subFolderPath to text (pathCount + 1) thru -((count of (get name of aFile)) + 1) of thisFile
set newPath to rawFolder & subFolderPath
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of newPath
end if
move aFile to folder newPath
end repeat
end tell