initial_state(Nick,GUIName) - > #cl_st {gui = GUIName}。
initial_state(Nick,GUIName) - > #cl_st {gui = GUIName}。
%% the record state definition, it will include
%% the client nickname,
%% the gui name (or pid ?)
%% the client cart with a default value equals to the empty list
initial_state(Nick, GUIName) ->
%% the role of this function could be to start processes such as the gui
%% and return the initial state
%% add some code to start the gui
#cl_st { gui = GUIName, nick = Nick}.
%% an example of an interface function to add some item to the client cart
%% it simply pack the parameters into a tuple and send it to the server
%% Note that the server is identified by its pid, so somwhere there must be a unique
%% server that keep the list of all clients and their server pid
add_to_cart(Pid,Item,Price,Quantity) ->
Pid ! {add_to_cart,Item,Price,Quantity}.
%% this function calls the init function, starts the server in a new process (usage of spawn) with the
%% initial state and returns the server pid
start(Nick,GUIName) ->
State = initial_state(Nick, GUIName),
stop(Pid) ->
Pid ! stop.
%% the server loop
%% this example manages 2 kind of messages
cl_loop(State) ->
%% add to cart simply builds a tuple made of item, price and quantity and add it to a list
%% of tuple representing the cart content.
%% it calls itself recursively with a new state as parameter where the old cart
%% is replaced by the new one
{add_to_cart,Item,Price,Quantity} ->
NewCart = [{Item,Price,Quantity}|State#cl_st.cart],
%% to stop the server, it calls the terminate callback function and does not call itself recursively
stop ->
%% other messages are ignored, the server simply calls itself with an unchanged state
Ignored ->
%% a callback function to terminate the server properly
terminate(State#cl_st{gui = GUIName, nick = Nick}) ->
%% some code to stop the gui
{stopped_client, Nick}.
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