OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog();
WaveFileReader reader = new WaveFileReader(file.FileName);
int samepleRate = reader.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
double ts = 1.0/samepleRate;
int _fftLength = 4096;
double time = reader.TotalTime.TotalSeconds;
int channels = reader.WaveFormat.Channels;
int _m = (int)Math.Log(_fftLength, 2.0);
float fileSize = (float)reader.Length/1048576;
if (fileSize < 2)
window = 8;
else if (fileSize > 2 && fileSize < 4)
window = 16;
else if (fileSize > 4 && fileSize < 8)
window = 32;
else if (fileSize > 8 && fileSize < 12)
window = 128;
else if (fileSize > 12 && fileSize < 20)
window = 256;
else if (fileSize > 20 && fileSize < 30)
window = 512;
window = 2048;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[reader.Length];
float[] data = ConvertByteToFloat(readBuffer,readBuffer.Length);
Complex[] fftBuffer= new Complex[_fftLength];
int fftPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _fftLength; i++)
fftBuffer[fftPos].X = (float)(data[i] * NAudio.Dsp.FastFourierTransform.HammingWindow(i,_fftLength));
fftBuffer[fftPos].Y = 0;
NAudio.Dsp.FastFourierTransform.FFT(true, _m, fftBuffer);
private float[] ConvertByteToFloat(byte[] array, int length)
int samplesNeeded = length/4;
float[] floatArr = new float[samplesNeeded];
for (int i = 0; i < samplesNeeded; i++)
floatArr[i] = (float)BitConverter.ToInt32(array, i * 4);
return floatArr;
//ZedGraph code
GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
myPane.Title.Text = "Frequency domain output";
PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();
PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();
for (int i = 0; i < fftBuffer.Length; i++)
list1.Add(i, fftBuffer[i].Y);
list2.Add(0, 0);
//list2.Add(time, 0);uncomment this and remove below to plot time domain graph
var maxIndex = -1;
var maxValue = 0f;
for (var j = 0; j < _fftLength/2; j++)
var value = fftBuffer[j].X * fftBuffer[j].X
+ fftBuffer[j].Y * fftBuffer[j].Y;
if (value > maxValue)
maxIndex = j;
maxValue = value;
var freq = maxIndex == -1 ? 0
: (ushort)Math.Round((_fftLength - maxIndex)/(_fftLength * ts));
list2.Add(freq, 0);
if (myCurve1 != null && myCurve2 != null)
myCurve1 = myPane.AddCurve(null, list1, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
myCurve1.IsX2Axis = true;
myCurve2 = myPane.AddCurve(null, list2, Color.Black, SymbolType.None);
myPane.XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;
myPane.XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Amplitude";
myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Frequency";
現在,我得到的頻域數據,我已經與幅度繪製它ZedGraph在Y軸和頻率對X -軸。 FFT output on ZedGraph
- 低 - 20Hz到500Hz的
- 半山 - 500Hz的4kHz的
- 高爲4KHz至20KHz
任何建議或指導,將不勝感激.. !!
我的目的是將這些頻率分開以用於調音臺應用程序(用於執行dj混音)。我已經在c#中嘗試了一些低通和高通濾波器函數,但不知道我在這個濾波器函數後得到的數據是否有效,我也試圖從過濾的數據創建.wav文件,但創建的文件是頭少,不能播放與任何音頻播放器。保存.wav和播放音頻不是我的目標,但需要驗證數據是否有效。我只需要帶有播放位置(基本上是時間域)的過濾數據陣列,這樣我就可以混合兩首歌曲,其中低=>低,中=>中和高=>高。 – Nitin