我正在創建一個網站fr我的客戶,但我有一個腳本(fancybox與雲變焦)在IE中的問題。當我在IE瀏覽器以外的任何瀏覽器中查看我的網站時,一切正常,但當使用IE 8(最流行的版本)查看時,腳本無法正常工作。在IE8上的腳本不起作用
$(function() {
fancybox init on each cloud-zoom element
$("#content .cloud-zoom").fancybox({
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'none',
'speedIn' : 600,
'speedOut' : 200,
'overlayShow' : true,
'overlayColor' : '#000',
'cyclic' : true,
'easingIn' : 'easeInOutExpo'
because the cloud zoom plugin draws a mousetrap
div on top of the image, the fancybox click needs
to be changed. What we do here is to trigger the click
the fancybox expects, when we click the mousetrap div.
We know the mousetrap div is inserted after
the <a> we want to click:
$("#content .mousetrap").live('click',function(){
the content element;
each list item/group with several images
var $content = $('#content'),
$thumb_list = $content.find('.thumb > ul');
we need to set the width of each ul (sum of the children width);
we are also defining the click events on the right and left arrows
of each item.
var $this_list = $(this),
total_w = 0,
loaded = 0,
//preload all the images first
$images = $this_list.find('img'),
total_images= $images.length;
var $img = $(this);
if (loaded == total_images){
total_w += $(this).width();
$this_list.css('width', total_w + 'px');
//next/prev events
var current = $this_list.data('current');
if(current == $this_list.children().length -1) return false;
var next = ++current,
ml = -next * $this_list.children(':first').width();
'marginLeft' : ml + 'px'
var current = $this_list.data('current');
if(current == 0) return false;
var prev = --current,
ml = -prev * $this_list.children(':first').width();
'marginLeft' : ml + 'px'