2015-08-17 82 views


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    function get_timee($country,$city) { 
     $country = str_replace(' ', '', $country); 
     $city = str_replace(' ', '', $city); 
     $geocode_stats = file_get_contents("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=$city+$country,&sensor=false"); 
     $output_deals = json_decode($geocode_stats); 
     $latLng = $output_deals->results[0]->geometry->location; 
     $lat = $latLng->lat; 
     $lng = $latLng->lng; 
     $google_time = file_get_contents("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?location=$lat,$lng&timestamp=1331161200&key=xxx"); 
     $timez = json_decode($google_time); 
     $d = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone($timez->timeZoneId)); 
     return $d->format('H:i'); 

    $array = array(
     "Monday" => "10:00 - 18:00", 
     "Tuesday" => "10:00 - 18:00", 
     "Wednesday" => "10:00 - 18:00", 
     "Thursday" => "10:00 - 18:00", 
     "Friday" => "18:00 - 23:00", 
     "Saturday" => "18:00 - 23:00", 
     "Sunday" => "Closed" 


<?php echo get_timee("Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis","Nevis"); ?>。我們目前...


你不應該公開分享您的API密鑰。 – treegarden


我把它刪除了,比尼維斯晚得多..我的意思是永遠不會。 – RiggsFolly




但是,您可以使用這樣的核心PHP DateTime()DateTimeZone()這樣做。



    $opening_times = array(
     "Monday" => array('open' => '10:00', 'close' => '18:00'), 
     "Tuesday" => array('open' => '10:00', 'close' => '18:00'), 
     "Wednesday" => array('open' => '10:00', 'close' => '18:00'), 
     "Thursday" => array('open' => '10:00', 'close' => '18:00'), 
     "Friday" => array('open' => '18:00', 'close' => '23:00'), 
     "Saturday" => array('open' => '18:00', 'close' => '23:00'), 
     "Sunday" => "Closed" 

function AreWeOpen($were_open, $date) 
    $htm = ''; 
    if (! is_array($were_open[$date->format('l')]) 
     && strtolower($were_open[$date->format('l')]) == 'closed') 
     $htm = 'We are closed all day Sunday'; 
    } else { 
     if ( $date->format('H:i') >= $were_open[$date->format('l')]['open'] 
      && $date->format('H:i') <= $were_open[$date->format('l')]['close'] 
      $htm = 'We are open'; 
     } else { 
      $htm = 'We are closed'; 
    return $htm; 


// set date time to NOW 
    $date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo 'Are we open now? Now is ' . $date->format('l H:i') . ' >'; 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open at 09:59 Monday > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/17 09:59:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open at 10:00 Monday > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/17 10:00:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open at 18:00 Monday > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/18 18:00:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open at 18:01 Monday > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/18 18:01:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open at 18:01 Friday > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/21 18:01:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 

    echo PHP_EOL; 

    echo 'Are we open on SUNDAY > '; 
    $date = new DateTime('2015/08/16 18:01:00', new DateTimeZone('America/St_Kitts')); 
    echo AreWeOpen($opening_times, $date); 


Are we open now? Now is Monday 07:38 >We are closed 
Are we open at 09:59 Monday > We are closed 
Are we open at 10:00 Monday > We are open 
Are we open at 18:00 Monday > We are open 
Are we open at 18:01 Monday > We are closed 
Are we open at 18:01 Friday > We are open 
Are we open on SUNDAY > We are closed all day Sunday 

這太棒了。感謝您的解釋。是的,我使用谷歌來獲得尼維斯時代,但你的解決方案否定了所有這一切,甚至更好。 – egr103



  1. 計算的數字版本的開放時間排列的。這個數組可以是一個星期幾到開放時間的映射,在DateTime-> Format('w')的同一時間索引日期,從星期日的0開始,等等。每個條目在沒有開放時間的情況下可以爲null,或包含商店打開日期的秒數的數組。

  2. 更改get_timee以返回DateTime對象iteself。

  3. 確定計算的DateTime對象是否落入當前日期的範圍內。特別是,使用(int)$ dateTime-> format('w')來獲取索引,然後在你的數組中查看。如果條目不爲空,則執行dateTime項目的「秒」計算,並確定它是否在範圍內。
