Sub ImageResize()
' ImageResize Macro
' Resizes all images to a height of approx 99px
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .Shapes.Count
With .Shapes(i)
.Height = 300
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub ImagePos()
' ImagePos Macro
' Positions 4 images per page.
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .Shapes.Count
With .Shapes(i)
.Top = (i Mod 2) * 400
If i Mod 4 = 3 Or i Mod 4 = 0 Then
.Left = 250
End If
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
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