package Foo::Proto;
my $A;
my $B;
sub A {
return $A;
sub B {
return $B;
package Foo::Child;
our @ISA= qw(Foo::Prototype);
sub test {
my $self = shift;
# Or if I am doing many things with A, and want to type less:
my $A = $self->A;
package Foo::Kid;
our @ISA= qw(Foo::Prototype);
# If you will never change $A in the prototype, you could do this:
my $A = __PACKAGE__->A;
sub test {
my $m = Foo::Mooseling->new();
BEGIN { # This is going to be $A, I needed something to call $A->foo on.
package Thing1;
sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__; }
sub foo { print __PACKAGE__."::foo()\n"; }
sub blah { print __PACKAGE__."::blah()\n"; }
BEGIN { # This is going to be B. It is not interesting either.
package Thing2;
sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__; }
sub bar { print __PACKAGE__."::bar()\n"; }
sub bluh { print __PACKAGE__."::bluh()\n"; }
# This is the interesting part:
BEGIN { # This ROLE will provide A and B methods to any objects that include it.
package Foo::ProtoMoose;
use Moose::Role;
has 'A' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Thing1',
handles => [qw(foo blah)], # Delegate calls to foo and blah for consuming object to this A.
default => sub { Thing1->new(); }, # Create a Thing1 to be A.
has 'B' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Thing2',
handles => [qw(bar bluh)],
default => sub { Thing2->new(); },
BEGIN { # This method consumes the ProtoMoose Role.
package Foo::Mooseling;
use Moose;
with 'Foo::ProtoMoose';
sub test_A {
my $class = shift;
sub test_B {
my $class = shift;
不錯的答案。你含蓄地說過,但我會強調出口商不會出口詞彙。 – 2009-06-24 22:20:15
@gbacon謝謝。 – 2009-06-24 22:29:42