2014-02-21 18 views


What a pretty flower! <a href="www.goo gle.com/...">here</a> and <a href="w ww.google.com...">here</a> 

正如你可能會注意到,在空間中的位置完全是隨機的,但有一點是肯定的:它是一個href標籤內。 當然,我可以使用replace(" ", "")方法,但可能有兩個或多個鏈接。 我該如何解決這個問題?


在所有href值上使用replace(「」,「」)'有什麼問題?另外,爲什麼試圖修復返回垃圾網站的數據? –


也有正則表達式,你可以用它來識別你的鏈接,如果你只想使用'replace'就可以了。或[JSoup](http://jsoup.org/)(請參閱[此問題](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9071568/parse-web-site-html-with-java)) – eebbesen


是的,我使用Jsoup解析,但改變substring不會改變初始字符串,對吧? – Groosha



這是一個古老的解決方案,但我會嘗試使用舊的退役apache ECS來解析您的html,然後,只有對於href鏈接,您可以刪除空格,然後重新創建所有內容:-)如果我沒記錯的話,有一種方法可以從html解析ECS「DOM」。


另一種選擇是使用類似XPath的選擇讓您的HREF,但你必須處理畸形的HTML(你可以給整潔的機會 - http://infohound.net/tidy/


我會試試看,thnx – Groosha



public class URLRegex { 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     final String INPUT = "Hello World <a href=\"http://ww w.google.com\">Google</a> Second " + 
          "Hello World <a href=\"http://www.wiki pedia.org\">Wikipedia</a> Test" + 
          "<a href=\"https://www.example.o rg\">Example</a> Test Test"; 

     // This pattern matches a sequence of one or more spaces. 
     // Precompile it here, so we don't have to do it in every iteration of the loop below. 
     Pattern SPACES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\u0020+"); 

     // The regular expression below is very primitive and does not really check whether the URL is valid. 
     // Moreover, only very simple URLs are matched. If an URL includes different protocols, account credentials, ... it is not matched. 
     // For more sophisticated regular expressions have a look at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/161738/ 
     Pattern PATTERN_A_HREF = Pattern.compile("https?://[A-Za-z0-9\\.\\-\\u0020\\?&\\=#/]+"); 
     Matcher m = PATTERN_A_HREF.matcher(INPUT); 

     // Iterate through all matching strings: 
     while (m.find()) { 
      String urlThatMightContainSpaces = m.group(); // Get the current match 
      Matcher spaceMatcher = SPACES_PATTERN.matcher(urlThatMightContainSpaces); 
      System.out.println(spaceMatcher.replaceAll("")); // Replaces all spaces by nothing. 


嗯..看起來很有前途 – Groosha