What I do not understand is the : 「UINT&」. What does it mean in the context of the template
static CMap<CString, LPCSTR, UINT, UINT&> cXMLfields::fields_by_name;
static CMap<CString, LPCSTR, UINT, UINT&> cXMLfields::oopf_fields_by_name;
static CString friendly_name[XML_FIELDNUM];
static CString fields_by_id[XML_FIELDNUM];
static CString oopf_fields_by_id[OOPF_XML_FIELDNUM];
static void Build_map();
static void MoveItem(CListBox& src, CListBox& dst, int index);
CMap<CString,LPCTSTR, struct_sample,struct_sample> myMap;
struct_sample aTest;
aTest.a = 1;
aTest.b = 2;
aTest.c = 3;
struct_sample aLookupTest;
BOOL bExists = myMap.Lookup("test",aLookupTest); //Retrieves the
//struct_sample corresponding to "test".
這個問題沒有任何意義。可怕的格式不起作用。你已經找到[edit]鏈接了;請嘗試諮詢[格式幫助](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help)。 –