2011-09-04 53 views





  1. Rect對象?
  2. 是不是像.getBounds()存在Bitmap
  3. 我可以通過DrawableBitmap製作動畫對象(閃爍,改變顏色和e.t.c)嗎?


package project.java.game.objects; 

import android.graphics.Canvas; 
import android.graphics.Point; 
import android.graphics.Rect; 
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; 

public abstract class GameObject { 

    // Directions 
    public final static int DIR_LEFT = -1; 
    public final static int DIR_RIGHT = 1; 
    public final static int DIR_NONE = 0; 
    public final static int DIR_UP = 1; 
    public final static int DIR_DOWN = -1; 

    /** Higer border of object */ 
    public int getTop() { return mPoint.y; } 

    /** Lower border */ 
    public int getBottom() { return mPoint.y + mHeight; } 

    /** Left border */ 
    public int getLeft() { return mPoint.x; } 

    /** right border */ 
    public int getRight() { return mPoint.x + mWidth; } 

    public int returnCenter(){ return mPoint.x + mWidth/2; } 

    /** Central point */ 
    public Point getCenter() { return new Point(mPoint.x + mWidth/2, mPoint.y + mHeight/2); } 

    /** Height of object */ 
    public int getHeight() { return mHeight; } 

    /** Width */ 
    public int getWidth() { return mWidth; } 

    /** @return Recatngle, which is limit objects */ 
    public Rect getRect() { 
     return mImage.getBounds(); 

    /** for intersection */ 
    public static boolean intersects(GameObject obj1, GameObject obj2) 
     return Rect.intersects(obj1.getRect(), obj2.getRect()); 

    /** for coordinates */ 
    protected Point mPoint; 

    /** Height of image */ 
    protected int mHeight; 

    /** Width */ 
    protected int mWidth; 

    /** image */ 
    private Drawable mImage; 

    /** speed */ 
    protected int mSpeed; 

    /**Life level*/ 
    protected int mLifeLvl; 

    * Constructor 
    * @param image image which will use for object 
    public GameObject(Drawable image) 
     mImage = image; 
     mPoint = new Point(0, 0); 
     mWidth = image.getIntrinsicWidth(); 
     mHeight = image.getIntrinsicHeight(); 

    /** point change position */ 
    protected abstract void updatePoint(); 

    /** object change position */ 
    public void update() 
     mImage.setBounds(mPoint.x, mPoint.y, mPoint.x + mWidth, mPoint.y + mHeight); 

    /**to draw object */ 
    public void draw(Canvas canvas) 
    /** set Left bound */ 
    public void setLeft(int value) { mPoint.x = value; } 

    /** set Right bound */ 
    public void setRight(int value) { mPoint.x = value - mWidth; } 

    /** set top bound */ 
    public void setTop(int value) { mPoint.y = value; } 

    /** set Lower bound */ 
    public void setBottom(int value) { mPoint.y = value - mHeight; } 

    /** center of object on OX */ 
    public void setCenterX(int value) { mPoint.x = value - mHeight/2; } 

    /** center of object on OY */ 
    public void setCenterY(int value) { mPoint.y = value - mWidth/2; } 




Bitmap b = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(getContentResolver(), imageUri); 
int width = b.getWidth(); 
int height = b.getHeight(); 


Bitmap newBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(b, width, height, false); 

您可以使用Android Animation類通過佈局位圖動畫應用的createScaledBitmap方法。在APIDemos應用程序中可用。 (ApiDemos->視圖 - > Animation-> 3D轉換)


謝謝,我會嘗試 – MarkMark


哦,順便說一句,我不明白如何檢查對象路口。我在'Rect'前使用了'Image.getBounds();'但是現在我該怎麼做? – MarkMark




哦thx我應該嘗試看起來smth,但在JetBoy遊戲的例子,只是Bitmaps無處不在,所以這就是爲什麼我對位圖感興趣 – MarkMark


哦,前幾天我找對象intersetcion的解決方案srot - 此方法只是一個例子實際上還要考慮如何讓你的一些對象類

private boolean checkCollision(Someobject first, Someobject second) { 
    boolean retValue = false; 
    int width = first.getBitmap().getWidth();//get bitmap from ur object then get 
    int height = first.getBitmap().getHeight();//it size 
    int firstXRangeStart = first.getCoordinates().getX();//get coordinates 
    int firstXRangeEnd = firstXRangeStart + width; 
    int firstYRangeStart = first.getCoordinates().getY(); 
    int firstYRangeEnd = firstYRangeStart + height; 
    int secondXRangeStart = second.getCoordinates().getX(); 
    int secondXRangeEnd = secondXRangeStart + width; 
    int secondYRangeStart = second.getCoordinates().getY(); 
    int secondYRangeEnd = secondYRangeStart + height; 
    if ((secondXRangeStart >= firstXRangeStart && secondXRangeStart <= firstXRangeEnd) 
     || (secondXRangeEnd >= firstXRangeStart && secondXRangeEnd <= firstXRangeEnd)) { 
     if ((secondYRangeStart >= firstYRangeStart && secondYRangeStart <= firstYRangeEnd) 
      || (secondYRangeEnd >= firstYRangeStart && secondYRangeEnd <= firstYRangeEnd)) { 
      retValue = true; 
    return retValue; 